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From: S´ace G.
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:33 AM
Subject: GRI / Noospheric Emergency :: Regeneration Protocols
ID: 265999

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GRI / Noospheric Emergency - Toward a Galactic Civilization - Regeneration Protocols

excerpts from GRI - An essential philosophic AND experiential overview of this board and its purpose. A request for all hands on deck to our starship urth.

Noosphere II - The Great Experiment of the Law of Time Planetary Engineering Project The Absolute is Already Complete in Itself Thinking About the Noosphere: Sri Aurobindo and the Overmind Galactic Culture and the Coming of Cosmic Civilization It's not a Biospheric Crisis, but a Noospheric Emergency. Envisioning the Regeneration of Planet Earth ISRICA and the Pakal Votan Project, Global Telepathic Experiment Cosmic History Field Trip Reports (1 | 2) It's not a Biospheric Crisis, but a Noospheric Emergency

...all that is occurring on the present world stage is in necessary fulfillment of a greater script in which the old must be cleared away in order for the new to manifest in supreme purity. From this point of view the cycle of history is in the nature of a bad fever that has to be worked out, full of nightmares and visions, but once the fever has passed, a new purified soul emerges. Such a perspective fulfills many prophecies of a coming Golden Age, a New Heaven and a New Earth, New Jerusalem or Shambhala, the mending of the Hoop of Nations, the flowering of the World Tree after a long winter of the soul.

It is only from this perspective that we could speak of the coming of Cosmic Civilization. But for such a vision to come to pass, there must be the fulfillment of some kind of divine descent - the “Second Coming,” a mass revelation and consequent awakening of consciousness, a supramental descent, a shock that lifts the horizon of the mind to a new level, hitherto inconceivable, a passage into the planetary Mind of Light - the noosphere. Then and only then, on such a basis, could a truly new, genuinely planetary civilization emerge on Earth, a civilization totally cosmic in nature. When we look at history we see that revelation or divine descent has always played a role in the advance of human thought, culture and consciousness. Considering where we are in this hour of destiny, we have even more reason to suppose such a divine descent will respond to our spiritual necessity.

The point is that it is now necessary to consider this matter, for the “closing of the cycle” is at hand. The meaning of 2012 is that the present Earth civilization cycle has run its course, and it is necessary to actively anticipate the “divine descent” as well as to envision the nature of the coming Cosmic Civilization. In this way we may be prepared. Any descent implies the action of a hierarchy of greater intelligence, a planetary logos, and it is on behalf of the fulfillment of the vision of that hierarchy that these reflections are put forth. The axiom is that at this stage of the current cycle when the aspiration of those of us on this Earth plane is clear and concentrated enough, the response from hierarchy will fully manifest.

Any such Cosmic Civilization that follows the ending of the cycle in 2012, will and must be in the nature of a regenerative redemption, the fulfillment of a promise of all those who have labored on behalf of the highest ideals for humanity - universal love, cooperation, harmony and the flowering of the highest forms of culture. As the manifestation of an entirely elevated and unified state or plane of consciousness, the noosphere, such a civilization will be entirely different than that which exists today.

We must be careful not to apply any of the standards of thinking that we may currently have about culture and civilization to that which is to come. And even more so, must we perceive the goals and purposes of the Cosmic Civilization as altogether apart and beyond those which have brought the current civilization to its ruin. We stand at the threshold of something so magnificent, that it is imperative that we dare to raise our sights to the most noble and spiritually impassioned heights, and then let that be the lowest to which we may allow ourselves henceforth to sink.

In the meantime, the noise of freeways, even in the countryside, the sound pollution everywhere in the cites, the dirt, filth and ugliness of throwaway culture have virtually destroyed the quality of life. This loss, which everybody lives with day in and day out, thereby steadily diminishing their sensitivity, is complemented by the fact that industrialization has already exceeded itself, and the terrestrial response to global warming is about to alter the coast lines and climate of civilization forever. Geologically speaking, we are talking about dramatic changes occurring in the immediate future - before 2012.

So anything we envision about the future Cosmic Civilization must and can only be the transcendent antithesis of that which now prevails. In some ways it appears that we must start over again, were it not for an already well developed plan that will become evident once the worst has reached its dramatic peak. But to help us reorient to the highest good, the best possible regeneration of our most sacred perceptions and values, let us consider again: What is culture? What is civilization?

Culture, we may suppose, precedes and is the basis of civilization. When we speak of culture in this context we are referring to an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior that depends upon the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. As such, an even more basic biological definition of culture holds that it is the cultivation of living material (humans) in a prepared nutrient media.

It is the “nutrient” media, that really determines the quality of the culture. For human consciousness, the nutrient media would be the spiritual beliefs and mental structures that encode a particular belief system. The more pure the spiritual beliefs and the more elevated the mental disposition and its structures of perception, the more the term culture then approximates an enlightenment and excellence of taste acquired by spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic training. Hence, culture then becomes the act of developing the spiritual, moral, intellectual and aesthetic faculties through systems of education congruent with the media of cultivation.

“Man and the treasures inside him represent one of the highest secrets of creation.”

El-Yacoubi, Whatever Your Lord Is You Are His, p. 116.

According to the precepts of Nicholas Roerich, the essence of true human culture is light. This light is the light of innate spiritual awareness which illumines the pathways of all human endeavor constituting what we call culture. When this perception is at the center of human affairs, then culture becomes the standard of a living peace, which is why Roerich declared. “Where there is peace there is culture, where there is culture there is peace.” It is clearly this perception of culture that must be the nucleus of the coming Cosmic Civilization.

The notion of culture as the cultivation of the light that is innate in each being corresponds to the highest spiritual teachings, for instance, of Islam and Buddhism. In the Quran it is clearly stated that every human being is imprinted - before creation - with the remembrance of the one God (7:172), while a fundamental doctrine of Mahayana Buddhism is that everyone is born with the potential for enlightenment, bodhicitta. Though all are innately disposed to the realization of that Godhead enlightenment potential within, it must be cultivated to be fully realized or awakened.

Clearly it is the quality of the culture that determines the quality of the civilization, and it is the quality of the education of the individual that determines the quality of the culture. The true core of genuine education of the individual is through imparting the value of self-cultivation. What is self-cultivation? It begins with the individual being trained from an early age to have a perception of him/herself in relation to a divine higher order of reality and to transfer this perception to the relations with his/her surrounding environment.

Such a basis for self-cultivation should include instilling in the child, from age seven, the responsibility that it has for its own mind, consciousness and care of the physical body, including an ethics of self-respect, self-cleanliness, and care for the cleanliness and aesthetic quality of the environment. Probably the most fundamental point to be taught to the child at this stage for elevating its own self-cultivation is the law of karma, of cause and effect, that what you reap is what you sow. If this is explained to the child in terms of its being a cosmic law and not just a fear-based reward or punishment precept, it will be all the better.

The point is that culture begins with the individual and then extends to the family/social group. This forms the nucleus of what eventually becomes the civilization. What constitutes a civilization? Obviously a cultural nucleus is at the core of any civilization. The type and quality of the culture will determine the kind and nature of the civilization. Of course, today, we are highly biased in our perception of what a civilization might be by the quality and nature of the global civilization.

In considering the coming of Cosmic Civilization we must come to a definition of civilization that is not based on the historical standard. It is known that the biosphere of Earth establishes the unity of life and its support systems in which the sum of all life is one. As V.I. Vernadsky has stated, the biosphere is that region on Earth for the transformation of cosmic energies. The biosphere does not make any conditioned cultural or political distinctions regarding its cycles of transformation of energy. If the noosphere is the next stage of the evolution of the biosphere, then as the mental sphere of the Earth and as the infrastructure of the coming civilization, we could say that it is that “region” of the Earth for the transformation of cosmic thought forms on a universal and nonsectarian basis.

As the mental sheathe of the planet, the noosphere characterizes mind and consciousness as a unitary phenomenon whose sum is One. In this lies a clue toward a definition of the future civilization on Earth, a civilization which would be distinguished by a realization that just as life is One, so Mind is also One, and that, therefore, political distinctions of nation states are superfluous. At the same time, a bioregional cultural diversity, like biodiversity, would be recognized as necessary to enhance the quality of the sum of life and consciousness as a unitary phenomenon. In the supremely egalitarian culture of the noosphere, which at the same time would recognize the existence of a hierarchy based on degrees of spiritual attainment and self-cultivation, there would be no question of the fact that the evolution of the planet and humankind had attained the supermental stage of Cosmic Civilization.

But before we reach this stage we must understand what must occur, the steps that must be taken in order to realize the New Mind that predicates the advent of Cosmic Civilization on Earth.

Traditionally all spiritual paths are to some degree or another in one of three categories: A path of renunciation, a path of transformation, or a path of self-liberation. Anyone wishing to take advantage of the opportunity of utilizing the transformational templates of Galactic Culture has to realize that they are the practices for the reformulation of the mind that must be accompanied by the study and self-cultivation of one’s mind, clearing it of the clutter and debris of the old way of viewing reality. To the degree that this is understood and felt to be absolutely true, to that degree will we embrace a new universal path of spiritual mindfulness that includes elements of renunciation, a practical path of transformation, and is crowned by methods of self-liberation and realization of the Godhead within.

What must be renounced is participation in the mind and life-style of the artificial world. This can be done step by step or radically, but the quicker it can be done the better, for the old order is on its way out anyway. Turn off your television, or at least discipline your use of it. Don’t buy magazines. Stop going to movies - or again, develop a discipline about it. Give up consumerism. Plant a garden, plant trees. Learn about alternative energy technologies. Above all examine your mind and begin to understand in how many ways you have been mentally contributing to sustaining a world-view of suffering, desire, attachment, aggression and materialism. The best method is that of immediately taking up the practice of mindfulness and prayer. Submit to the absolute, to God, to the Higher Power. Recognize and give up your inner struggle, your self-created dichotomies, and conflicts.

As for the path of transformation, take the attitude of letting nothing stand in the way of your self-cultivation and self-realization. Then you will begin to see adversity, obstruction, and obstacles as well as opportunities as means of inner transformation. Develop the attitude of inviting the Higher Power to descend into your path. Recognize the signs and synchronicities in your everyday life as the signs that you are meant to read in order to know what action to take next. Everyday actions themselves are seen as dream-events created for your enlightened self to perform. Do nothing for self gain. Act as if everything were being performed for the benefit and salvation of all beings. In your mindfulness practice, neither reject as good or bad whatever thoughts arise, simply let them go. Ask instead who is creating these thoughts? This will also place you on the path of transformation.

As for the path of self-liberation, time is of the essence. We want to be ready for the Big Event, the Closing of the Cycle, December 21, 2012 (Rhythmic Moon 9, 7 Storm year of the Thirteen Moon calendar). We need very clear minds and very pure souls to take advantage of the opportunity. Only clear minds and pure souls are spiritually strong enough to survive the Road to 2012. That is why we must earnestly take hold of the most direct means to self-liberation. We must seek for a direct introduction to our own true self, our own authentic being which, in a profound way is already liberated. And we must learn to practice wholeheartedly the discipline of mindfulness, seeing into our own self-nature, recognizing it not only in meditation but in everyday life. Purification of the soul depends on the genuineness and integrity of the commitment we make to see our minds with clarity. Then we will be able to see things clearly, know what is and be decisive. Herein lies the basis of spiritual power.

The more we develop such a clear light mind, remembering the Light of the Original Source through our own submission to the Higher Power, the better we will be able to activate the codes and templates of the synchronic order, the foundation of the reformulation of the human mind. Then we will truly become a living Galactic Culture. We will be fully prepared for the divine descent of the supramental, the mantle of noospheric consciousness, the awakened mind of the higher Earth plane of reality. When it comes, there will be a great buzz, the result of the fusion of mind. We will be One, never the same again.

For us to even entertain the notion of Cosmic Civilization on Earth, much less the nature of a universal Cosmic Civilization that is liberated of all the petty concerns that drag us down today we must clear our mind. In fact only a clear light mind can even begin to comprehend the real nature of Cosmic Civilization. Such a civilization will first and foremost be one in which the highest attainment of enlightened mind conceivable to us will be but the foundation for socio-communicative constructs of a parapsychological and telepathic nature beyond conception. Yet once we arrive at the noospheric mind - the Earth plane of unified consciousness - then Cosmic Civilization will become an attainable reality.

The vision of the coming Cosmic Civilization on Earth is the vision of Tollan of the Starborn Elders. Those are the ancient Ones whose life is in the future of a past we forgot to live. But the purpose of a divine descent, the nature of which is the noosphere itself, is to give humankind the opportunity to start anew. It is the Second Creation that brings about the Cosmic Civilization on Earth. Like the previous Earthly Tollan and the enlightened world systems of the buddhas, the future Tollan of the Starborn Elders will be a civilization of Peace. For the mind that knows itself, can only know peace, for peace is the quality of the all-abiding awareness which permeates all the universe and world systems in indestructible simplicity. It is the all-abiding awareness which is the basis of the One mind that will be the Foundation of the Cosmic Civilization on Earth. It is this mind that will be able to construct with the templates of the Law of Time a Galactic Culture of the synchronic order which will be as harmoniously splendid as it is telepathically interwoven with the interdimensional reality of cosmic consciousness. And through this Galactic Culture, the noosphere of Earth will expand into its place in the great and ever-evolving Cosmic Civilization.

The Cosmic Civilization will mean a total renewal of the Earth through telepathic magnetic resonant field mind technologies. If history was the era dominated by literacy, in the noosphere of the Cosmic Civilization, a post-literate hypersensory consciousness will arise. We will discover that nature is not democratic. It is cosmocratic. The ruling order comes not from fiats imposed by kings or elected officials, but through the very nature of cosmic organization itself. This will be intuitively understood and telepathically communicated. A genuine hierarchy will be perceived as already existing throughout the universe, that of the hierarchy of ascending orders of consciousness which, by their nature, are totally spiritual. History will be seen as a fever of the Earth in her preparation to attain full consciousness. Religious boundaries will melt. In the spiritualized perception of everyday life, religion will no longer exist. In its place will be the Universal Recollection - UR.

Planets with Noosphere. Planets arrive at this distinction through a final, critical evolutionary stage referred to as biosphere-noosphere transition. Such a transition is always preceded by what appears to be an almost insurmountable crisis. The successful passage of such a transition depends on the comprehensive whole system evaluation of the key factors contributing to the crisis, and then applying the correct whole system design engineering solution.

Planetary engineering refers to the subtle skill and crafting of solutions appropriate to the perception of the planet as a cosmoelectrical transduction unit operating within a stellar (solar) system which is the actual managing agent of the planet’s affairs.

To successfully guide the course of a planet from the more elemental state of possessing a biosphere to the more advanced one of attaining a condition of noosphere - conscious whole system mental operation - the following presuppositions are to be taken into consideration:

That there exists sufficient advanced scientific knowledge of the original design principles of the planet as a dynamic cosmoelectrical unit with a specific function within its stellar coordinating field in order to provide an appropriately restorative solution.

Based on the foregoing, that there is a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the factors contributing to the planet’s malfunction (crisis); and That there is a knowledge of the precise timing for application of the appropriate solution. Of necessity, this solution simultaneously introduces elements of the original planet engineering design principles and the correct method for irrevocably eliminating the causes of the crisis by introducing thoroughly new harmonic standards in accord and consistent with the original principles.

A comprehension of the biosphere as the region on the planet for the transformation of cosmic energies is assumed, along with some notion of an imminent noosphere. The biosphere-threatening crisis is to be subjected to a whole system analysis that is logically simple and clear, so that the solution is equally logical and clear.

The planetary crisis exists because the dominant species (homo sapiens) is operating by artificial (mechanistic), irregular and erroneous timing standards about which it is unconscious. Operating unconsciously by these deviant timing standards, which it understands as “normal” and second nature, results in aberrant forms of species-wide behavior. This behavior causes an increasing dependence upon artificial factors that remove the species from the natural order (biosphere) through the creation of institutions and mental states that devalue natural intelligence while irrevocably consuming resources that produce forms of pollution that are intrinsically unmanageable. This is what is referred to as a biosphere-threatening disorder.

Following this analysis, there is actually a precise solution based on ecologically harmonic technologies that organize past, present and future as a system, and which may help involve humanity in the galactic community of intelligence. Persons who have realized past and future are able to become interstellar mediators to directly receive galactic information from different levels of the electromagnetic ocean of the greater expanse of cosmic consciousness. In the pursuit of its solution, the Planetary Engineering Project will establish a methodology that is precisely timed and planetary in its field of investigation and implementation.

A principle method of planetary engineering is that of establishing a planetary telepathic grid, based upon paths of resonant transmission between star systems, and by means of various supermental technologies to pass and receive messages instantaneously.

By restitution of the natural mind is meant the restoration of the mind to its natural owner - nobody, that is to say, the liberation of mind from restricting ego possession. The restitution of the mind is achieved by techniques of meditation derived from the Dzogchen and Zen schools of buddhist mindfulness training, as these are the most direct techniques for perceiving the natural mind or “true self.”

In planetary engineering, these techniques of direct mind perception are only means to an end. The purpose is the cultivation of absolutely clear seeing so that the mind can be harnessed to electromagnetic fields and be directed to access psychotelepathic information structures. This is what is meant by the investigation of the natural mind. Once the natural mind has been restored and investigation of its cosmic capacities has been undertaken, then comes the education of the natural mind.

Among the meditational and related disciplines being utilized and considered as fundamental for the Centers for the Restitution, Investigation and Education of the Natural Mind are the following:

Awakening to the Natural Mind - Dzogchen-Zen meditation techniques Ashtanga yoga (includes hatha yoga practice) can be varied with Falun Dafa or Tai Chi Directed visualization practices for the development of psychic heat, inclusive of cultivation of the principle chakras and pranic nerve channels Dyadic, bipolar harmonization exercises (cosmic mudras) Visualizations of the psi bank-planet holon according to the daily synchronic order All synchronic order practices inclusive of advanced experimental practices such as the Book of Harmony and the MOAP - Mother of All Programs. Natural food vegan/raw diet experiments Gardening and environmental design Artistic cultivation - sound, music, visual constructs and design

Special Report - Noospheric Pollution

BE WORRIED. BE VERY WORRIED. Noospheric pollution isn't some vague future problem - it's already damaging the planet at an alarming pace. Here's how you create and perpetuate it, and how your kids and their kids will do the same - unless we change our mind now.

The Age of Nations has passed. Now, unless we wish to perish we must shake off our old prejudices and build the earth.

Teilhard de Chardin, Human Energy, 1969 p. 37

Seeing the biospheric crisis in this light we may be capable of resolving it. This crisis is a natural transition from a purely third-dimensional materialist consciousness of competing ideologies and nationalisms - but poorly equipped for entertaining a planetary whole systems perspective - to the emergence into the noosphere, a fourth dimensional time field incorporating third dimensional functions into a higher order. Known as the synchronic order, this new cosmic organizational structure has for its purpose the establishment of a telepathic circuit for advancing collective psychic functions beyond the cybersphere. Yes, the noosphere is the thinking layer of the planet. It is not some vague amorphic phenomenon but a cosmically normative evolutionary structure with its own 'grammar,' logic and modes of expression. It is the currency of a galactic mode of consciousness and being, an inevitable stage in the evolution of biological life into a metabiological mental organism - the cosmoplanetary order of galactic being.

Though it may seem we have strayed far from concerns like global warming, the Kyoto Protocol, or the social and psychological effects of the War on Terror, sustainable development, species wide extinction etc., the point is that we cannot resolve any of these issues without invoking a higher state of consciousness. And it may be that invoking this higher sate we must acknowledge that we are not alone, that our global civilization is not the only stage I cosmic civilization in the entire universe. And that in acknowledging this, we may elevate our consciousness to a higher probability of becoming genuinely planetary. Clearly only a higher more elevated consciousness and moral sensibility is really going to help us.

Only a newly evolved or mutated human could carry out the scale and nature of the transformation we are required to make in order to meet the challenges facing us. There is a higher vision and a higher context available to us and that is what we refer to as cosmic consciousness.

The entire project may be read here:

siriusly joyfully cosmically intelligently passionately logically heartfully spiritually gaia-ly balanced in all ways


we consider making a seperate board (an intensive) for anyone who is taking the higher consciousness and making it an applied science of the heart. please send me note if you are interested and I will add your name to the list for invite.

X ( planetary art network apartakers' )

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