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"The truth is that the authentic Christian tradition, and Christ's teaching itself, is everywhere saturated with the healing and life-affirming truths of the sacred feminine, and with its wisdom of sensitivity, tenderness, and honoring of all life."
Teachings of the Christian Mystics - Andrew Harvey, Editor

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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 1:06 PM
Subject: Flow
ID: 266098

Namaste EveryONE,

Blessings from Eugene, Oregon...

I received this from

Being as this movie presents information that is global in scope, it seems relevant to all of us at GRN and Light Pages...It is just another example of the power of film/media to be used for sharing messages and information that may increase awareness about issues that effect all of us...The link is:

In the Spirit of Oneness,


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