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DECEMBER 21, 2012
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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 5:42 PM
Subject: December 21, 2012
Reply to: 266100
ID: 266101

Hi Starr,

The link I sent for the trailer to the movie, Flow is: is the one I used and it worked for me...Good luck!

--- On Sun, Dec 7, 2008, in msg266100, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Many thanx for sending in Owen's message Jonathan.

I really needed to hear that one should trust and use their intution regarding this Shift. It is something you think you are doing, but it is always good to remind ourselves and to make sure to apply it to something as monumental as this Shift.

I think it was good he mentioned the ending of the five thousand two hundred year cycle as part of the Shift, but 21 Dec. 2012 is also a major 26,000 year change for the planet.

When they talk about the reduction of the population to five million in the coming years we wonder how many of us will be physcially here to witness this change (talk about being in the right place at the right time - I'm going to be in touch with my inuition for this one).

By the way the link to the movie wasn't the full address. Would you please send it again.

Thank you for all your sharing. My pc has been down so I have a lot of catching up.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sun, Dec 7, 2008, in msg266099, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste EveryONE,

I know that several of you receive emails from Owen Waters...I find his writing to be inspired, informed and a clear voice for the Shift (which is the title of one of his books) that is happening in consciousness all over the planet...While I realize the article is a bit long, I felt moved to share it with all of you...Blessings...

The Challenges and Opportunities of 2012 by Owen Waters

On December 21st, 2012, a major galactic synchronization will occur. This date marks the end of a 26,000 year cycle of influence upon human experience, as well as the end of a 5,200 year cycle within that, and also the end of many more sub-cycles, all in synchronicity with each other.

While this 2012 event is likely to be a time of material difficulty, it will also be one of enormous spiritual opportunity. It will be a time when souls are brought together to realize their spiritual desires, to step into the light of inspiration like never before, and to become that which they have the potential to be.

Along with the opportunity will come challenges. When the converging Mayan cycles end on December 21st, 2012, the world will likely be torn by emotional imbalances. In general, people don't do well at the change point of major cycles unless they are grounded and centered spiritually. Daily meditation will not be a luxury in 2012; it will be an emotional survival tool!

While your friends and colleagues are going through their emotional crises, you can be the one in their midst with the balance and the poise to take the emotional cross-currents and turbulence in your stride. They will look to you to see how an individual can be balanced enough to survive everything that people will be facing at that time.

All of the remaining loose ends of the old cycle will be competing for attention and completion in a crescendo of issues and challenges. People will be in overload and wondering why you can handle it all so well.

When we, as spiritually-centered people, are able to think positively and handle our emotions in a wise and detached manner, we can be a guiding light to others to do the same. As we grow spiritually through daily spiritual practices, we can demonstrate to others that this is the way to stay centered right through the eye of the storm.

Daily spiritual practices increase your awareness of intuition. The great advantage of paying attention to your sense of intuition is that you become forewarned about events or crises that you do not need to experience.

For example, once in a while, a friend or relative will ask me if I'm worried whether the next flight that I've booked will crash. I look at them, a little surprised, and say, "If it were going to crash, it wouldn't have felt like the right flight to book!" This is because, when making plans, I've made it a habit to check my intuitive sense as to which options will work out for the best.

Today, some people have become concerned about coastal flooding due to rising ocean levels. This is a valid concern as it is something which will happen one day, sooner or later. The question is no longer if it will happen, but when. So, if you keep having an uneasy, intuitive feeling that it's time to plan on relocating, then you need to accept your inner knowing and act upon what feels right. Then, you'll be in the right place at the right time rather than in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's that simple. Intuition will guide you past life's unnecessary obstacles every time.

Intuitive inner knowing is something that emerges from the background of your consciousness. It may be accompanied by a sense of foreboding, which is a valid warning sign, but never by an overtly excited sense of drama or fear. Inner knowing is a subtle influence. If you ever should need to relocate, you will know inside which areas to go and explore as potential alternatives as they will resonate in harmony with your inner knowing.

The best thing about 2012 is the spiritual opportunity it presents. This changeover of major cosmic cycles offers a quantum leap environment for sudden spiritual growth.

If you want to progress in sudden strides along your path of spiritual development, then you'll want to spend the months before and after December 2012 being free from the challenges of the mundane world and engaged, instead, in reaching deeper and deeper states of spiritual awareness.

Choose peace and wellbeing. Listen to the voice within. Arrange your life now so that you are in a peaceful environment where you can make spiritual growth your top priority each and every day.

2012 is coming, and with it, the greatest energetic environment for spiritual advancement that you have seen in your entire life!

*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

This article was written by Owen Waters, author of "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"

Available in hardcover or via immediate download at:



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