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"Archetypes, that is, universal and inherited patterns, taken together, constitute the structure of the unconscious….archetypes are the forms or river-beds along which the current of psychic life has always flowed."
Collected Works - Carl Jung

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DECEMBER 21, 2012
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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:50 AM
Subject: December 21, 2012
Reply to: 266100
ID: 266107

dear starr* ...

we go along for a while ...

what is catched by my eye & co*templative spirit?

"My pc has been down so I have a lot of catching up."

May i say and share here (by means of pointing at and collectively becoming aware of a serendipity cognition:) ... "this kind of happening(s) is(are) upmost chances delivered by cosmo(germinative spirits) ... in order to identify the unique opportunity ... maybe catch up some particles and ... let go about 80 percent !"

i say this with a causal grin ... sharing Y our humor ...

Thumbling S'ace

thematic section

Quote: "On December 21st, 2012, a major galactic synchronization will occur. This date marks the end of a 26,000 year cycle of influence upon human experience, as well as the end of a 5,200 year cycle within that, and also the end of many more sub-cycles, all in synchronicity with each other."

Mark this clue in the last part: "... and also the end/alignment of many more sub-cycles and hypercycles, all in synchronicity with/to one another. (see the BiGBang moment - whenever it was "matched" - part and ignitioner of that)

Mark my notice: "in Mayan Theory & Theos the beginning and the end are transcended and included to&in one another"

underwater section

5 cosmic serendipity points here as tearS':

* my mate , YaniQ, is born december 21 (1961-crystal monkey/cosmic human)

* my kin is 22 which is about the uranian bride / mate / crystalizer of pakal votan (prophesies of valum votan)

* my chinese year is Goat / Sheep

* my traditional western astrological sign is CANCER

* my celtic tree is the Birch :: aligned to summer solstice (northern biosphere)

(one can have a mission in life ~ who rules/enroles that? s'ace voTan=globalgeniusvoter?)

(and could Vincent van Gogh ::see the museum in A'dam dedicated to his Work?)

As a Serv'Ice to Freeze Mail-Afirmations that went bye as Breezes to Mail-recipients:
"We discover this Self that we are to be not only a static tenuous vacant Atman, but a great dynamic Spirit individual, universal and transcendent….all the inspired descriptions of the seers and mystics cannnot exhaust its contents and its splendor."
A Greater Psychology, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought - Sri Aurobindo, edited by A. S. Dalal


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