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"Laws are only the unalterable conditions brought about by the activity, the orientation and the emanated decisive thoughts of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being, just as the activitis, the orientation and the thinking of a human being carry the cells and the atoms of his body along the line of his wishes."
Discipleship in the New Age - Alice A. Bailey

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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 7:15 PM
Subject: Wonder, Awe and Reverence in 2009
ID: 266138

Namaste Constance, Jane, Ram, Rita, Bruce, Starr, S'ace, Hillary, Jeanie and everyONE,

After re-reading Owen Waters article on December 21, 2012 and your comments I realize that what seems to be most important is how each one of us nurture our connection to the Divine Presence within us that is us which reflects to us in every relationship that we have to every aspect of creation.

Today, I met with several clients in the work that I do as a counselor and also in an empowerment group for therapists that myself and another therapist created where we work...Tonight as I reflect on the day, I realize that it is the quality of Presence that I bring to each relationship that seems to matter most...My clients may not remember any specific technique that we do, but they remember that someone is there who gives them undivided attention which many of them never receive outside of the one hour a week that they spend in my office...and in the therapists empowerment group, it is the beauty of gathering in a circle and being open and honest that allows us to deepen our connection with one another.

I appreciate our Internet connections that are made through GRN, LRIG and Light Pages and wish all of you a holiday and Christmas season of wonder, awe, reverence, magic, blessings, and miracles. This upcoming year of 2009 looks to be wonder-filled and I do realize that this is only going to happen as a result of focusing with awareness in every NOW moment stretched out across the landscape of time into eternity.

Peace, Love and Joy,

Jonathan (a brother on the Path)

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