Global Resonance Network Go to your Light Center
"When you see things in your world – a part of nature, another aspect of life – that appear separate from you, just look at them deeply. Look INTO them. Do this for a long moment and you will capture their essence. And then you'll meet you, waiting there."
Communion with God - Neale Donald Walsch

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 8:28 PM
Subject: eHarmony for Groups
Reply to: 266135
ID: 266140

Hi Bruce - Your thoughts, energy, and message is inspirational. Personally I love the term: "Portal of Unity". It conjures up Blessed Visions for us and speaks of something in existense that can help the seeker of Awareness and Truth. You have already created the Center and attracted the Souls of that Portal of Unity - Now to let its healing balm waft upon all............ Living Love, Starr* --- On Thu, Dec 11, 2008, in msg266135, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Dear Everybody --

Hello and thanks.  I appreciate these good messages -- and my apologies to several people for not replying yet to their interesting and helpful personal private emails...

For some mysterious reason, there seems to be a lot of creativity in the air.  I think the election of Obama is a big factor in this - our souls know something wonderful and amazing has happened, and we are being called to respond.  That's how it feels to me...

As a way to bring the work we do into more meaningful focus, with higher impact and broader appeal, I have been working on a few new tools and concepts.  The Blog system I have mentioned, and it's in pretty good shape now.  Another new feature starting to work pretty good is an emerging capacity to do free-form questionnaires and surveys ("polls").  In the last two or three days, I have built a system that allows a user to build a detailed survey/questionnaire, with any number of questions, and any number of multiple-choice options.  I think this feature is going to help us, too.  Of course, this survey system will work with email.  You'll get something in your email, you'll have something to click.  In way, it might be a kind of "electronic democracy" for a group to take its own pulse....

But the one idea I wanted to mention today -- is this emerging "Portal to Unity" concept, which continues to grow and become clearer -- in ways that sometimes feel amazing.  Yes, it's a bit complicated, there's a lot of moving parts -- and it's not been easy even thinking of or conceiving this thing, much less actually building it.  There are so many ways to understand this idea, it just depends on how you look at it...

And, in fact, I have been coming up with various alternative names for this thing -- including "Collaborative Matrix" or "Integral Matrix" -- but also more poetic phrases, like "Congress of Light" -- or "Resonant Field" or "Invitation to Convergence".  I would guess these names will continue to emerge...


There is a lot to think about in this.  But one way that is kind of soft and easy to get, is to understand this idea as a kind of "eHarmony for Groups".  You know about dating sites like "eHarmony" -- men and women who are looking for romantic connections complete a profile, and their system looks for matches.  Well, this emerging new concept -- Portal to Unity, or whatever it's called -- is a way for groups to figure out how to come together.  Groups, or the members of the groups, complete some kind of "profile" -- with lots of connecting themes in areas of interest -- and these profiles are very simple and easy to complete. 

Actually, I think where this is going is -- we are going to gather up every single factor and dimension and project and concept that is out there today, and has something to do with this "global shift" concept -- we're going to find every group, and every person, and softly invite them in to a huge collaborative process that interconnects all of these things...

Now, in general, that is what a lot of people think is already happening.  And I agree with them -- it is happening, and it is amazingly interesting.  But it's also -- kind of a huge mysterious muddle/jumble -- because there are so many features and factors and aspects, all at the same time.

The way I see, this can be explained by a kind of "overload" that everybody is dealing with today.  If we put a list of 1,000 things in front of you, you might go through that entire list, and recognize everything on the list, and agree with just about all of it.  But if you had to sit there and make up that list of 1,000 things by yourself, or see every last bit of that going on -- that would probably be more than your brain could handle.  It's a lot more than my brain can handle, that's for sure...

So, this is one reason why "computer support" seems important for this emerging "shift" process.  We humans can hold a certain amount of information in our conscious awareness -- and beyond that limit, we just blur out.  But we can feel all these things -- we can't necessarily articulate them all in detail, but "our souls know them, and know they are true."

And in this great big Shift process going on -- it does turn out that not everybody has these same elements in consciousness at the same time -- though it does tend to be true, I think, that everybody is being pulled by similar forces, or coming together for similar reasons.

There IS something converging.  Coming together to a point...

So, what we are talking about here -- is a way to consciously and intentionally promote and invoke and literally "convene the convergence" -- simply by calling all beings into a common resonance, by giving them a soft and friendly and easy point of entrance -- a little Portal to Unity, a little Gateway -- through which they can begin their own path towards the Infinite Sun at the Infinite Center...


It's going to be a while -- and a fair amount of work -- before all of this becomes clear.  But here's a screenshot from this Portal, as it is running right now on the Global Resonance Network on LightPages... login=462827

 Here's a quote I happened to see today, as I was going through these things.  Thanks so much to JoAnn for the amazing vision and insight she has brought to her incredible project...

Let us contemplate the one simple nature of that peaceful unity which joins all things to itself and to each other, preserving them in their distinctiveness and yet linking them together in a universal and unconfused alliance.
Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete Works - John Farina, Editor-in-Chief

I think this is what we are about..

We are -- helping to unfold "something" -- that joins all things to itself and to each other, preserving them in their distinctiveness, and yet linking them together in a universal and unconfused alliance.

To that thought -- I say "Amen" -- and Wow!


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