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From: Ram V.
Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 8:21 AM
Subject: Radiant Obama
Reply to: 266147
ID: 266150

(Please ignore the spacing problem. Hopefully Bruce can doing something to correct it)

Hi Bruce, Sarr*, et all,

Thanks for sharing Obama's portrait and expressing your sentiments regarding the radiant Obama and the current situations that he (and we) is/are going through. Let's first see where his radiance is coming from. Whatever enlightening power is shining within him; the same is being manifested outside. And that makes him radiant. This power is that of the Authentic-Self. It is the same power that we all have intrinsically, however, not many people are awakewned to this inner power. I see Obama manifesting this power in three ways:

1. Self-connection

2. Universal-Connection

3. Source Connection.

Observing the current worldly state of confusion,frustration,selfishness, insecurity and fearfulness, one may wonder if it is really possible to operate from these three connections. At times it could be very frustrating, draining and fatiguing indeed as we are currently experiencing in these uncertain times. This gap between the Self-realization and living can then cause considerable problems with the people we interact with. In this regard an attitude of a " Spiritual Strategist" comes quite handy. This is what I see in Obama. And it is a great opportunity that the Nature is presenting to all of us to work on our individual Self-development landscapes from Obama model's ongoing performance in the field of pure potentiality to which we all have access.

He seems spontaneously allowing the Light of Consciousness to shine through his every-day actions and encounters. And there is no egoistic entity hiding behind the expression of his soul inspired actions. I further see that his is displaying to us some of his Spiritual Strategist-Statesmanship Skills as follows:

1. Accepting, respecting and responding in paying full attention to the moment. Just BEING the moment with a great vision not only for USA but for the world as whole.

2. Expressing his authenticity, simplicity and courage in such soul-inspired communications and relationships skills in his daily actions and encounters.

3. Living in this world with his heart calm and cool, behaving outwardly like everyone else. Rejecting every form of conditioning and limiting views; thus appreciating the presence of the Infinite Sustaining Energy of which we are all parts and parcels. This looks like the key element of the "Unity Portal" that Bruce has so kindly felt and shared with us at GR.

Seeing all these opportunities in the process of being transformed from the current challenges and struggles, it is absolutely essential that we support Obama in his approach and efforts to bring unity and prosperity. The world is badly in need of this shift on the material platform. But for this to happen, we need an authentic shift in our consciousness to align with a few of the important aspects shared as above. Let's please be optimistic about great days ahead.


Love and Best Wishes.......Ram --- On Fri, Dec 12, 2008, in msg266147, Starr* Saffa wrote --- Bruce, such a wonderful picture of Obama! Thank you SO MUCH for that image.

I heard what some Inca Sharmans were saying (they see the past and the future as one already). They were saying that the US still has a great leader position to play in unfolding the Shift...and therefore, we must work towards supporting what makes this possible. So it looks like your hopes of support for the Obama efforts is spot on according the Inca Seers. They continually do ceremonies to transmute negativity so that progress wiill unfold as part of the Divine Plan..

Happy Days! .

(hello/aloha to Jeannie too)


--- On Fri, Dec 12, 2008, in msg266145, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Just wanted to pass along this image...

I do tend to see Obama in this kind of way -- though it is also critically true that he is human, real, and actual -- dealing with things as they really are.  So, I am hoping that this little "ethical crisis" that is coming up right now, regarding the Governor of Illinois, is not going to stain or damage this energy.

The way I see it, one of the very great accomplishments of Obama -- was his ability to "win the election" -- playing by the rules of the way things really are -- not always so perfect or beautiful -- while at the same time, holding on to these high ideals and kind of perfect mystical grace that he somehow seems to carry.

Doing both of those things -- is astonishing.  It is so much easier to sit on the sidelines, and speak with a high-minded moral tone about the failing of others or our leaders -- but when people find themselves in the actual energy of the real world -- it is far more difficult and challenging.  Obama comes from Illinois, which has some tough politics.  So, he has been threading the eye of the needle -- trying to walk the perfect walk -- without kicking himself out of the game because he considers himself too good or too high-minded for some of the rough things that can happen.  Maybe in that sense, he is a guru AND a warrior -- somebody had to appear, to be incarnated, in just those dimensions, to spearhead an opening for the rest of us, who have slightly different callings. 

The way it feels to me is -- Obama, and all this new leadership potential -- absolutely needs our support in every way.  They are only human, and they are emerging in the real world.  It's a tremendous balancing act, and with one tiny slip, things can come apart.  We need every tool of support and connectivity we can muster, to hold all these thing together, as these huge waves come crashing around us...

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