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The Cosmic Womb, An Interpretation of Man's Relationship to the Infinite - Arthur W. Osborn

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 8:33 PM
Subject: Our World - One World
Reply to: 266178
ID: 266180

Hi All

I was just rereading the message re Congress of Light - and realized how much that name resonates. I think we are inviting people to a Congress of Light using the Portal of Unity. Anyway it is great brainstorming together.

Living Light, Starr*

PS. putting the 'p' in the <> brackets separates the lines here. --- On Sat, Dec 13, 2008, in msg266178, Starr* Saffa wrote --- WOW!!! The Unity Portal was already there - we just had to put it down - and thanx to Blessed Ram and you Bruce --- It has come from the invisible to the visible form that we and the world can use. I am especially pleased that we didn't mention, cultures, political stands, or religion in our vision statement.

I know I mention Tahirih - and that is because I believe She is the Spirit that opened the Unity Portal for this Age..but really it is best to leave all affilations out of the Offering. We are into semantics re what it is called - I like to think it is already in existence thus (Portal *of* Unity), and Bruce likes to make it an invitation of becoming, thus (Portal to Unity). I think the word 'Portal' suggest a new opening for humanity whereas 'Congress' invites heads of state but is an old world term. So at this juncture we want a term that is new, inviting, inclusive of all people -- and we can't beat 'Unity' and 'Oneness'.

I think Ram has hit on all the necessary topics (it shouldn't get too heavy) and the sub-topics can be added (but hopefully in short to the point easy lingo.

Bruce - I was really happy to see you mentioned 'Love' under methods, however, I think it is the primary method and deserves special consideration as in that way we are sure to attract the Spirit. I also suggest activating the sacred heart as another method.

This is a Great Achievment finally coming into reality on the 13th of December 2008 associated with Light (St. Lucia). Congratulations to us all.

Feast day of St Lucy of Syracuse

(Cypress arbor vitae, Thuja cupressoides, is today's plant, dedicated to this saint.)

It's December 13 and we see that the Solstice is close, whether we speak of the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, or the Winter Solstice in the Northern. As today is one of the shortest days of the year in Sweden (and was, in fact, the Winter Solstice prior to the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1753), the locals celebrate a festival of light (which is appropriate because the root for 'Lucy' in Latin, lux, means 'light'). On this day an elected girl in many households, dressed in white as 'Sankta Lucia', wearing a headdress of evergreen leaves and a crown of lit candles, wakes the rest of the family with coffee, rolls, and a special song. Swedes begin their Christmas celebrations with this day, and traditionally her patronal day marks the end of harvest.

St Lucy (283 - 304), with her associations with light, is the patron saint of people who are blind or have eye trouble. She was born in Syracuse, Sicily, the daughter of noble and wealthy parents, and was raised a Christian ...

In the Roman Empire, Lucina was an epithet for the goddess Juno as "she who brings children into light" ...

Luciadagen, Sweden

Below is a traditional Sankta Lucia song with the same melody as the well-known Italian song. However, the lyrics are quite different. The Swedish song is about the girl with the candles on her head, while that from Italy is about the town of Santa Lucia, on the Bay of Naples.

Loving Light --- Starr*

--- On Sat, Dec 13, 2008, in msg266176, Bruce Schuman wrote ---


--- ---
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