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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 9:23 AM
Subject: Our World - One World
Reply to: 266184
ID: 266185

Hi Bruce, Starr*, S'ace, et all, There is so much of connecting energy from all of you. Thank you very kindly. In this movement of Consciousness towards Oneness, we are effortlessy (i.e. in a struggle free manner) flowing with the flow of the Nature. In other words we are aligning our spirits with the universal organizing/orchestrating power that mainfests all that is seen and unseen. Starr* felt that it would be desirable to have short blurbs about all the fifteen points of light as our portal to unity. I think this is a good idea and it can be used as a ready reference document. Also I feel that we need to briefly describe the "Process of Conscious Movement" towards our "portal to Unity". This process can be used to self-observe when one is and what to look forward to align oneself with the further flow that takes us towards our real purpose of Oneness/Unity. As far as I understand it has seven aspects; the one leading to the next and so on till Oneness/Spiritual Awakening becomes natural to us in this sublime process. This can also be developed if so desired by the group. Also I too notice that "Unconditional Love" didn't come out as clearly as I had intended. As such, it can be added to our earlier list. Thanks, dear Starr* for reminding us. In fact, once the mind is established in the Self, doing things unconditionally (including love) becomes natural. As such a person will be consistently prompted by his/spirit: : "How can I serve? How can I help". Rather than what is there in it for me. Tremendous satisfaction/fulfillment can be felt-known just by nurturing the seeds of divinity inside us. And all other aspects/ingredients that are essential to happiness/success so easily begin to flow on their own. We just need to be alert and proactive to such potential opportunities presented by the Divine Flow. Am I glad that we are flowing together with the Bigger Flow! Thank you all for this spontaneous team effort. Love and Best Wishes.......Ram --- On Sun, Dec 14, 2008, in msg266184, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

 Good morning, All.  Just checking in here, feeling this continuing growth-energy, this "emergence" - - of so many things, so many possibilities...

So, yes, Starr* -- these thoughts and suggestions you offer -- it's very true that whatever seems to be coming forward here -- is very plastic, very flexible and adaptive -- a kind of "shape-shifter" -- intended to meet "anyone anywhere" who feels magnetized into this process...

So, as regards names, and "what to call it" -- well, as this little thing has continued to expand, so far, I have come up with a few possibilities.  The design of this project, right now, takes a different form for each group that uses it.  So -- the "Global Resonance Network" has one version of the Portal -- at login=462827

And Love-Radiance-Intention -- has a slightly different version -- which they/we can configure for their special purposes, making slightly different selections in what is offered or suggested - login=463324

The underlying concept is -- there are many groups, coming together for many different reasons.  So -- a group in "the women's movement" might give their version of the Portal a different name, and make different selections about what is offered.  You, Starr* -- if you wanted to put all your teachings or insights or practices regarding Tahirih into the process -- that would certainly be good, and maybe you would have your own group, or put that information into some category like "Women's Spirituality" -- we would have to think about how these things are to be framed...


S*S: WOW!!! The Unity Portal was already there - we just had to put it down - and thanx to Blessed Ram and you Bruce --- It has come from the invisible to the visible form that we and the world can use.

Bruce: That might be a good way to see it -- we are somehow unfolding or revealing "an idea that is already present in the aethers..." -- maybe a little bit like Michelangelo's idea -- that when he carved a statue, he was simply revealing something that was already there, by removing the extraneous marble around it...

Another thought is -- we had projects somewhat like this going on for a long time, like "The Garden" that you and some others put together on UCS a year or two ago.  So, all of these things have been growing in the backs of our minds for some time.  There is a lot of material we can bring forward here...

S*S: I am especially pleased that we didn't mention, cultures, political stands, or religion in our vision statement.

Bruce: These things I have been showing you -- like that "One World - Our World" statement -- at this point is really little more than the notes I have been taking, as I continue to ask myself, "What ARE you doing here, Bruce?  Can you explain this?  Please make it clearer..."

So, yes -- these things you mention -- cultures, political stands, religions -- these are "the particular shapes that reality takes in local places" -- always different, always shape-shifting -- and always somewhat abrasive as they interact...

What we are trying to do is -- offer a doorway through which they all can enter, regardless of differences.  By moving forward into the points of agreement we share, and by refining "religion" down to its basic spiritual essence -- thereby supposedly found in any religion -- we create a doorway through which any spiritual or religious person can enter -- and it doesn't really matter what that religion is -- because we are suggesting that the core of any religious or spiritual path -- are these essential and simple spiritual ideas that are supposedly shared by all, and around which we offer a spiritual path....

S*S: I know I mention Tahirih - and that is because I believe She is the Spirit that opened the Unity Portal for this Age..but really it is best to leave all affiliations out of the Offering.

Bruce: Well -- maybe at one point, we simply speak of these universal forces and elements.  But step back just a bit, and we need these embodied voices.  We just need to array our bouquet in a way that is not "either/or" -- "My Goddess versus your God" -- that kind of thing.  It's got to be "take your choice, spirit is free -- just walk the path down the common center we all share, where we are all together...."

S*S: We are into semantics re what it is called - I like to think it is already in existence thus (Portal *of* Unity), and Bruce likes to make it an invitation of becoming, thus (Portal to Unity).

Bruce: Yes, this kind of "plasticity of definition" should be flexible.  Let it fit "the local hopes and expectations".  We can do it either way -- call it by any name, or none -- "The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao..."

So, as things continue to unfold, I have thought of some names, including

  • Portal to Unity
  • Common Ground
  • Collaborative Matrix
  • Congress of Light
  • Resonant Field
  • Universal Communion
  • Shared Intention
  • Integral Matrix
  • Invitation to Convergence
  • Network of Trust

 Each of these is intended for a slightly different purpose, or the needs of a slightly different group.  We will no doubt think of more...

S*S I think the word 'Portal' suggest a new opening for humanity whereas 'Congress' invites heads of state but is an old world term. So at this juncture we want a term that is new, inviting, inclusive of all people -- and we can't beat 'Unity' and 'Oneness'.

Bruce: I am personally inclined to agree with you, Starr*.  For me, in the end, it's all about Oneness and Unity.  But I think it's true that people are coming into this from different levels, from different traditions, with different expectations and needs -- but still, generally called by similar underlying energies and instincts.  There are groups, I would say -- maybe in this "women's movement" -- that feel many of these things, and we want to include them (Gather the Women, for example, has used this term "Congress") -- but they might not be ready for the entire project to be defined in terms of a very profound spirituality.  They are looking for unity and connection and co-creativity -- and will probably continue to evolve into a Deep Spirit kind of attunement -- but for right now, they might not all be quite ready for that.  So -- we need to meet them on their own terms, speak their language, honor their needs, hear what they are saying, and offer them, too, a way forward into this universal connectivity that we are beginning to understand...

S*S: I think Ram has hit on all the necessary topics (it shouldn't get too heavy) and the sub-topics can be added (but hopefully in short to the point easy lingo).

Bruce: Yes, Ram has given us a great start on "Walking the Spiritual Path" -- or whatever we want to call this.  I would think -- that other groups will also have ideas and insights into this -- and Ram will probably come up with a lot more material and insights, as the energy gets more relaxed and unfolded.

The way I see it -- we are all actually aware of thousands of things -- we have read hundreds of books, been to conferences and seminars and retreats, had hundreds or thousands of conversations about these things -- and all of this has shaped us in profound ways, and filled us with tons of material.

But our tiny little brains can only express a tiny portion of all this insight at any one time.  So -- to get it all in one place -- we need a "gathering process" -- we need a way to keep bringing the harvest of our insights into one big basket that can hold it all, in an easy and natural way...

In this sense, it's a "team-based" thing we are doing.  No one of us can get it all right for everybody else.  But hundreds of us, working together, each in their own way, for their own reasons -- could bring together an enormous amount of insightful material, illuminating the world and our activities together with a very brilliant light...

S*S: Bruce - I was really happy to see you mentioned 'Love' under methods, however, I think it is the primary method and deserves special consideration as in that way we are sure to attract the Spirit. I also suggest activating the sacred heart as another method.

Bruce: Interesting that you would notice that.  Actually, I had just sort of tacked "Love" onto the end of that list of "Methods", feeling that it needed to be there, but also aware that I had not really given it much thought or feeling.  So, this, too, can be explored and unfolded more...

S*S: This is a Great Achievement finally coming into reality on the 13th of December 2008 associated with Light (St. Lucia). Congratulations to us all.

Bruce: Thanks for this feedback and energy, these suggestions.  I wonder if there is some way to make a "Tahirih's Portal" that would fit in here somehow.  I can just see -- a thousand beautiful doorways, each guarded or opened by its own guardians or angels, as every path out there finds its way towards the common center, towards the common Sacred Heart...




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