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From: Jane A.
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 10:16 AM
Subject: Bullet points on practices and beliefs...
Reply to: 266173
ID: 266187

Greetings & Namaste everyOne!

I too am so excited with your creative ingeniousness Bruce!.

The "Portal to Unity". All the titles that you recommended were, as well, Wonderful.. but "Portal to Unity" truly resonated deeply with me, myself, & 'I'.


As Ram shared his daily practices, I too, again, would have to say I am in close agreement to his practices.


1) I wake early to meditate on God as well, I dwell so deeply, so earnestly on the word "Harmony" where I am conscious of nothing else. (As well, when something pops in my mind that would love to disrupt my Peace). Followed with the practice of yoga, along with some daily physical exercise.


2) I practice the breathing techniques, offered to me by Rita [which I had forgotten to up into my dally practice, so thank you Rita!!]; if my peace is in jeopardy, I concentrate on my breathe; as I have found it true that these techniques automatically quite the mind. [For we can not think two things at the same time]. Whatever works for me in the moment, I use that which has a definite end in sight;)


3) I daily try to see the God in everyone and those who have been known to be upsetting to my Peace, I repeat this affirmation for them; We/they are harmoniously whole, perfect, illuminated, powerful, wise, loving, confident, and joyful.


5) I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my words, thoughts, feelings and actions to a deeper understanding of 'who I AM' as I try to stay receptive to my 'inner' voice for my guidance;)


6) I try to follow these four agreements; do my best daily, do not take things personal, do not assume anything, and let no circumstance affect me. As I try to keep these agreements with myself, people, God and life as a whole.



I stay very conscious of 'we shall reap what we have sown'. * I always feel such a warmth and gratitude for this site. I am so very thankful for you all... for all you do to allow us, as a 'Whole' to be all that we are to 'Be'... PEACE...LOVE...INJOY!!


--- On Sat, Dec 13, 2008, in msg266173, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Bruce, et all, I am all for your great efforts towards the portal of unity. This name sound great tome.

Also, Bruce, you have invited a list of practices and disciplines. My contribution to this theme; from my personal practices; is as follows:

1. Daily Oneness Meditations (towards Self-connection, Universe-connection and Source Connection). Including Self-observation practice.

2. Ongoing "Lift Your Spirit" Live groups facilitations.

3. Ongoing Authentic dialogues at UCS, Global Resonance and UCS forums.

4. Detached Involvement/Let go (after doing my level best) practice in my day to day living.

5. Soul to Soul communications/relationships Awareness (i.e. Namastey)...compassion, respect and consideration for all I interact with.

6. Divine Presence and Divine Trust Practice in all I do.

7. Present Moment Presence and constant Intrinsic Remembrance," I am a spiritual being having human experiences". And rejecting every form of conditioning in the living of my life. keeping open always.

8. Ongoing Awareness that I am here to do, to learn, to share and to enjoy. And be not lost (i.e. keep afloat) in the worldly affairs.

9. Listening to my inner voice and doing things accordingly

10. Selfless Service (with my unique talents).

11. Practice of a "Spiritual Strategist"; focusing on the "Truth" as Is.

12. Constantly contemplating and seeking the Infinite. And rejecting that is finite and limited.

13. Frequent reminders to my vow of maintaining Non-violence/peace in my thoughts, my feelings, my words and my actions.

14. Being aware of the points of views of others. Acknowledging and respecting their freedom.

15. Remembering my "Purpose of Life"..understanding, practicing and sharing the" Truth-Awareness- joyfulness" that we all are in our intrinsic natures. In the process, being that I am and being present with all that is.


Please, Bruce, et all, I am not saying that I have mastered thse techniques/practices. All I can say is that I am mostly on my way keeping up to them. There is no doubt sometimes there are falls. However, there is always a genuine affort to rise and be on the path again. Would be interesting to see other members list of such practices. So that we can all gain some useful insights to keep growing in the ongoing evolution of our consciousness. In humble submission of the above list and with Love and Best Wishes.......



On Sat, Dec 13, 2008, in msg266169, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Just want to begin floating this thought among this talented and sensitive group...


As I continue to explore and unfold this "Portal to Unity" concept (Hillary tells me she likes the name "Congress of Light"), I am continuing to develop ways to create entire fields or "clouds" of bullet- points -- brief little statements that express the essence of a spiritual practice, or some method or insight...

As an example, Jeanie mentioned to me the other day that she likes the name "Network of Trust" -- maybe because some of the groups she is working with need to strengthen that aspect.  So, I did a quick Google search on "build trust" -- and I found a ton of good stuff -- on how to do this.  So, just getting warmed up on how to do this, or even just beginning to understand what it means, I created a "Group Practice" called "Building Trust", and then quickly inserted about 15 points on how this is done, at least according to this source.

I am thinking about people who have special skills and insights here on GRN...

For example, Ram -- could you, conceivably, begin to "summarize" the wide range of your insights into spirituality and practice, in terms of brief statements...

I think it's pretty clear you can do this -- because you have sent us many messages that generally take this form.  So, this is a task I could probably do, just by reading through messages you have posted -- here, on UCS, etc.

Others here could do the same -- Starr*, Jonathan --

What I expect is -- it's going to take a little time to make this easy and intuitive.  We've got to get this down to a "bite-sized" approach -- that feels simple, clear, easy-to-deal-with -- and fun and inspiring...

One thing I think will happen -- is that we will develop a way to send out little email messages with response links in them -- inviting participation -- either adding new information, or responding to existing information...

If we get this going -- we can then begin to "paint the big picture of everything that is going on in this shift/new consciousness movement" -- while actually linking the participants and the ideas together.

It's a huge collage, a huge jig-saw puzzle -- or stained-glass window, a tapestry -- a big unity that many of us can feel, but which, in all its complexity and detail, tends to be overwhelming...

But -- if we could get 1,000 busy bees, each passionate about some aspect of this shift process -- each working in their own way -- and bringing their honey back to this resonant field framework -- that would be pretty amazing...

Then, this Portal to Unity -- would begin to offer hundreds of little doorways -- doorways everywhere -- all over the world -- where people could walk in, find something that is comfortable and interesting and inspiring, and begin their accelerating path into the universal vortex...

Yes, it's going to be a little while until we get there.  But this thing can grow quickly.

Right now, over on that Portal -- there are two sections working -- Personal Practices, and Group Practices.  I'm thinking that I want to do something with "Beliefs" today...

So please, if any of this feels inviting or interesting -- just give it a moment's thought -- about how you could summarize your years of experience and insight -- into brief statements -- like "executive summaries" -- of everything you know and have learned about the practice you find most beautiful and true for you...

We'll build a portal around those themes and that insight -- and let that grow...



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