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"Peoples are biologically equal, as 'thought phyla' destined progressively to integrate in some final unity, which will be the only true humanity."
The Vision of the Past - Pierre Teilhard deChardin

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 11:03 AM
Subject: Whole Systems Decision-Making
ID: 266189

There seems to be a lot coming through now.  It's exciting...

It's still not exactly clear how we can hold all these pieces together, or how we are going to get them out there, or what the exact form is going to be -- but one thing we do know is -- there's a lot of stuff out there, a lot of stuff we know about -- and we CAN put it all into our framework, one way or the other...

Here's some points on "Whole Systems Decision-Making".

This material comes from Carolyn Anderson and the Co-Creator's Handbook.  I understand that Carolyn is coming out with a new edition of this amazing and valuable book, so I look forward to seeing that.  Take a look at all these ideas, and get a feel for how great they are...


One of the things I am thinking is...

Maybe we could set up all these different kinds of "blocks of information" -- chunks, units, sets, collections, groups -- as something like "educational modules". 

So, one thing we could do is -- yes, everybody can go through these check-points, and indicate something -- like 1) Yes, I agree with this, or 2) Yes, I have read this, or 3) Yes, I am interested in this and want to know more, or 4) Yes, I do this in my own personal life, or in the group I am in...

So, suppose we said -- as we build a network reaching everywhere, pulling everybody into the Common Center ("The Sacred Heart"), we offer the entire framework -- as a kind of educational network.

You tell us that you want to learn and study one of these subjects.  We have a teacher or an instructor, or some way to link you to a training and educational process.  You sign up for this, and you get a series of online training exercises, or some kind of ongoing educational package, that helps you learn these things, and draws you into the network in a stronger and more-connected way.

You meet local people who are also in the network, and you expand what you are learning through all your networks...

I think this could actually work.

I think Carolyn wants to bring something like this into the world.  She wants to "sell her book" -- and I am thinking -- that we might offer pieces of the book in an online network/educational process, that draws in and supports people, linking groups and individuals -- and then, the people purchase some of the educational materials -- like her book -- as part of the process.

This is some amazing stuff.  It's a great vision, and -- it seems workable.  We can figure out how to do this....

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