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Collected Works - Carl Jung

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 2:35 AM
Subject: Whole Systems Decision-Making
Reply to: 266189
ID: 266195

dear Bruce ::*:: i read this: "She wants to "sell her book" a few times and by then i change it a little bit:

s/he wants to *ell her book

what pops up ?

what s/he really wants / "one-ts" ...

Tell her Message & Well her Environment ... (=Planet & Planetary Consciousness?)

What the system we know and grow on enforces is ...

to exchange the physical entity - a (hard)covered book - for the exchange-energy in an information-driven world.

What does this call for?

Okay, one thing is "just trust" "it is the idea of someone who framed it all in a book ...

And the author will list all credits by name or by experiencing a whole (internet/fora) as a learning ground for her Tell/Sell and the Common-Well-Ness.

AnOther thing/k can be the thought to donate / affiliate, so everyone knows it FeedsBack the Netword at Work ...

Anyone here ... adding comments?

Namasté S'ace

info: Want To Know gets a dutch partner :: interconnecting in order to achieve ourTrueHselves back on the Stages ... at FronTier U::2

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