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A Course in Miracles - A Gift For All Mankind - Tara Singh

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:34 AM
Subject: Points
Reply to: 266196
ID: 266199

Good morning.

Well, for me -- this concept of "point" is something I have lived with all my life...

When I was going to college, as an undergraduate at the University of California at Santa Cruz -- in the late 1960's! -- I was very influenced by the concept of "center point".  I think the source of that thinking was the theology of Paul Tillich, and his concept of "Ultimate Concern", and he talked about Center.

About that time, I started calling everything I was doing "ORIGIN" -- which had various meanings...

One, that emerged for me a few years later, was Original Research In General Information Networks.  That was an acronym, that I created to get the name listed in the phone book.

But the core idea was a conjunction of mathematics, engineering, and metaphysics.  I was interested in "mandala", and had drawn hundreds of mandala -- circular diagrams with a center-point.

So, I began exploring the idea -- that "there is an absolute center to reality" -- defined, shall we say, at a very high level ("the highest") of abstraction.  And, I supposed, we could understand this idea in several overlapping ways, that brought together several different "languages" or academic disciplines.

What I was saying then was

  1. This "ORIGIN" is the center-point of a mandala -- and of "the universal mandala" -- the "mandala of all mandalas"
  2. This center-point can be understood as "the origin of a coordinate system in Cartesian space" -- ie, the zero-point in an n-dimension coordinate frame
  3. Or, put another way -- a mandala can be understood as a kind of intuitive/artistic coordinate frame...

So, it became a big deal for me to locate everything relative to this absolute center.  Everything is organized around it.  It is "the center of all reality".  Anything where ORIGIN is not the center -- is "maya", illusion, a partial view, a local and eclipsed view...

Back in those days, "cybernetics" was a big field of study.  Lots of system-theory ideas were coming together.

So, I just generally decided -- that all of reality has one highest center-point -- and that the key and magical/mystical principle we are experiencing today -- is a kind of transition from a vague and unconscious awareness of this center-point, which many can feel, but nobody can articulate -- to a conscious, explicit, exactly-defined and "purposefully-intended" absolute center-point of being.

With my little portable typewriter, I tried to write a book or thesis on this theme, which I called "The Postulation of ORIGIN".  The idea was -- this act of "intentional postulation" -- was the fundamental turning-point of history.  Once this center-point was "postulated" and affirmed and actualized, all of reality would forever and absolutely be shifted -- from a confused state of interdependent mayic fragments, into an integral universal holism where the relationships between anything and anything else was held in a single integral framework -- conscious, explicit, intentional...

So -- that book was too big of a project.  But the idea never went away.  

In the mid-1990's, I bought the domain name "" -- and one of these days, I am guessing -- we are going to see how and why that little "dot" in the middle of everything -- in the middle of cyberspace -- is going to be understood as the key to interconnecting everything into one holistic integral unity...




--- On Mon, Dec 15, 2008, in msg266196, S´ace G root wrote --- Interesting Question ~ What is a Point?

is it just a word or was it at first/in origin an abbreviation or a "greater & broadband meaning" beyond?

many people may draw and come forward with a "meaning beyond the p.o.i.n.t." ( incl. 5 points, eh ... 6! :)

a S'hot:

P lanetary

O mega

I ntegral


Trans-action / -cedance / -formation / ... [ add y'ours ]

~~~ serious as F ever ~~~

S';-)>~~~ ace

co*sider this as a MS PoWherePoint in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tiny POINT considering its ImPact ...

here an image that spells a POINT in 27 pixels as a Dolphin Flow of 27 DAYS ...





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