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"We're here to learn to love more fully, to be God or angels in disguise for one another, to show our love, to show our compassion, to be active in creation. That is the reason and the meaning behind our lives. Each of us has a choice about how to love the world in our unique way." Bernie Siegel, M.D., 'Heart Lessons'
Handbook for the Heart, Original Writings on Love - Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield, editors

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 4:45 PM
Subject: Beliefs, Paradigm Shifts, and Portal Openings
Reply to: 266205
ID: 266207

Greetings all the Loving Unifiers of the Universe - Tahirih began the Paradigm Shift to the Ascension process in the 1840’s. Please notice how she writes in her poem that the “the principle of opposition be changed to that of Unity”. So we see that there was a principle of opposition but that it is now being changed to Unity for humankind. All the way!

The Morn of Guidance:
“Truly, the Morn of Guidance commands the breeze to begin
All the world has been illuminated; every horizon, every people
No more sits the shaykh in the seat of hypocrisy
No more becomes the mosque a shop dispensing holiness....
The world will be free from superstitions and vain imaginings
The people free from deception and temptation...
The carpet of justice will be outspread everywhere
And the seeds of friendship and unity will be spread throughout
The false commands eradicated from the earth
The principle of opposition changed to that of unity.”
Poem by Tahirih-Qurratu’l-Ayn, 1840’s
Tahirih in History: Perspectives on Qurratu’l-Ayn, Sahir Afaql, editor.

--- On Mon, Dec 15, 2008, in msg266205, S´ace G root wrote ---

pass all the way [bono recites bukowski]

listen to the timbre of a voice ? ---

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