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Living Buddha, Living Christ - Thich Nhat Hanh

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 8:37 PM
Subject: Portal to Unity - Project Design
Reply to: 266211
ID: 266214

Say Bruce, You know how tests are are around on lots of sites to see which religion you best fit into according to how you answer a questionaire or what you IQ is, etc -

Maybe you could devise something that brings this whole approach to the next level.

"Take this test to see where you are in relation to the Unity Portal"

then, " and how you can best connect into the Oneness of it All " - (our Portal to Unity suggestionn and site)

Even though it is being presented as getting something like a character horoscope --- people will start thinking Unity just like breathing and your taxonomy can feature in. What say you?


--- On Mon, Dec 15, 2008, in msg266211, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

As this project is emerging, it is being organized in terms of these eight main categories.

There are no doubt many other ways to understand how people and groups come together. But this little "taxonomy" has appeared for me, and will probably be refined. As far as I can see, this approach includes a lot of stuff.

  • The project is designed for many groups. Each group configures these 8 options as they wish, with as many sub-options as they wish. These options are shared among groups.

  • Groups invite their members to respond. As members "click things" and affirm their position on issues and values and principles and intentions and practices -- etc -- they begin to form the basis of a "cloud of coalescence".

  • Some kind of out-reach email network appears, aiming to keep this process growing -- bringing in more people, more groups, more ideas and possibilities, more factors in the emerging "great unity".

  • This "factored" approach frees our global movement from the need to agree -- "Yes or No" -- with a few big-block ideas that have to be accepted en-masse, because there is no way to consider the details. "Are we All One, Yes or No?" -- is just a little hard for a lot of people to deal with. This factored approach is much more fine-grained and sensitive. "In what way are we all One?" We can answer that question a thousand ways...

  • If we had 1,000 groups each with a hundred members or more, each reaching out into the world in their own special way, doing their own special work -- and all interconnected through the Resonant Cloud of agreement and understanding and bonding at the center ... that ... would begin to unfold the Power of the Cloud...


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