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From: Bruce S.
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Points
Reply to: 266218
ID: 266224

Thanks to all for these good messages...

So many "points" to consider...

But for right now, just a small thought or two -- in appreciation of this expression from Jonathan.

I myself have "esoteric training" that is more or less exactly in line with what you are saying, Jonathan. "I AM the Vine, Ye are the Branches...."


One thought that has come into this, for me, in past few years, is expressed by that concept I heard stated by Thich Nhat Hahn, where he says

"The Coming Buddha is the Sangha"

If we see an intimate identity between "the coming Buddha" and "the coming Christ" -- and interpret these ideas as you do, Jonathan -- and we understand "the Sangha" to mean "the community" -- then what we are saying is -- the next Buddha-Christ (Krishna/Shiva) -- will be manifested through "the people".

that's what I think is happening.

We've been saying things like this for a number of years now -- but it feels stronger and clearer to me now. I AM THAT I AM -- and So Are You...

And there is a bonding of those energies --call that Namaste if you want to -- and that bond is strengthened and reinforced -- and, indeed, validated and universalized -- because it is a universal expression through many bodies.

I think this is the whirlwind vortex into which we are being called. It IS "the path of spiritual realization", in every classical sense, as outlined by Ram. But it is also community. And as such -- it becomes the guiding light for the new renaissance democracy, the "integral politics" that is being born through us and everywhere.

It seems that we are beginning to enter a new stage -- as we continue to convene these energies at ever-higher levels of power and integration. We continue to learn, we continue to grow, we continue to understand these things in ever-better ways....

The guiding star that is leading us -- contains all of this, knows all of this. This is sheer primal instinct, combined with every bit of knowledge and expertise brought together through "the collective."

I see this going -- towards this amazing "broadband simultaneity" -- everything at once, at infinite speed, held together by amazing mystic integrity...

Well, a long journey, a lot of steps to take. Thanks for being here....

--- On Mon, Dec 15, 2008, in msg266218, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste Starr*, Ram, Bruce , S'ace and everyONE,

This dialogue that you are having about the Self and Points inspires reflection upon certain thoughts. Normally I would respond to what you've written, but I'd prefer to let these words flow without referencing them to any particular thing.

If there was a Master named Jesus who walked the earth at some point in our evolutionary unfoldment in consciousness back to the Source, then many of the sayings and teachings attributed to this historical figure were interpreted by well-intentioned people throughout the ages since his lifetime as related to the person and form of Jesus...however, when the words, " I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life " are uttered through the vehicle of the human voice, it the Christ speaking through the form of Jesus...

This Universal Christ Consciousness is One with the Source, " I and the Father are One " and therefore the I that I AM which we all are is also One with the Source...At the same time, the soul vehicle which had been prepared for many lifetimes to incarnate as Jesus " Yeheshua " was purified from the beginning knowing who it was as a soul at one with the Spirit which is the Way, the Truth and the Life...this Christ is beautifully depicted in the Tree of Life glyph which shows the 10 Sephirah broken up into the 3 pillars with Tiphareth representing the Christ along the middle pillar ascending upwards towards Kether, the Crown and Ultimate Consciousness of the Father/God/Source....

And beyond the Tree of Life are the 3 veils which ultimately lead to the NO-THING which is that Unmanifest Being of Pure Potentiality that Deepak Chopra often refers to, that Primal Darkness out of which the first " Point of Light " was born, the Great Goddess Mother who gives birth to all things or the Tao which gives birth to the One, which gives birth to the two, which gives birth to the ten thousand things...or what Bruce refers to as the Origin...this is also represented by the symbol of the sun with a circle and a dot/Point in the we have eyes to see and ears to hear we will see this everywhere in everything, the ONE manifested in and through all things and yet beyond everything...

All the sages and Masters of Wisdom from every corner of the world who have graced this earthplane with their physical presence, a stepped down and slowed down vibratory frequency of density capable of being seen with the physical senses that other human " beings " would be able to comprehend have " pointed " the Way towards this Origin/Source/No-thing...

And those of us who are here in the " flesh " on earth at this time are here to " bear witness to the truth " and proclaim that " I AM/WE ARE the Way, the Truth and the Life." We are the " Points of Light " spread out all over the earth, awakening to our divine potential as seed bearers, wayshowers, lightworkers here to usher in the AGE OF PEACE and transform the darkness into radiant light and love and compassion for all of creation...

We are blessed to be alive at this moment in time...the Light of the Waterbearer (Aquarius) is pouring forth into our hearts, minds and souls calling us all to step into our inheritance as the Sons and Daughters of the One Source.

In the spirit of loving inquiry and dialogue

Jonathan (A brother on the Path)


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