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From: Bruce S.
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 2:07 PM
Subject: Help design a survey on The Shift
ID: 266232

 One of the new network options that is emerging for us -- is the opportunity to send out a "survey" or questionnaire to a large audience.  This idea is similar in many ways to the ways we have been thinking about this "Portal" -- but could be developed independently, and simply sent to members of some group by anybody in the group.

As I consider what is really emerging here -- one of the things that is clear to me is -- this project is "Too Much" for any one person.  It's got to emerge through a co-creative collaborative process -- maybe involving a number of people in this Global Resonance Network -- or maybe involving other groups or networks.  Maybe some bigger organizations out there would make good candidates for some of these things we can do.

For right now -- I want to show you something that is just starting to happen.

A week or so ago, I put together the basics of a "Create a Questionnaire" system -- that is available to any member of a group (like GRN).

It's a pretty neat system -- because it is very free-form.  You can put any number of questions into it, of a wide range of types, and the multiple choice options can include as many choices as you want.

As we think about starting up some of these new possibilities -- it seems to me that sending out a "survey" might be a good way to get started.  We could send out a little newsletter to everybody in GRN (we actually have more than 600 members), telling them about this, and then the next day or so, send them a survey.

When our Portal system is working, we could then begin to explore how to reach out to our own network, inviting participation from people that does not involve a lot of time, that does not load them up with emails, and is something they can do in a few minutes without much work.

Here is a sample questionnaire that I have put together.

I am showing you this for two reason...

  1. It works -- go click it, fill it out!
  2. It probably needs more questions, and better language.  What do you suggest?

If you are signed in, I think you can just click this link to complete this survey...


Oh -- and I added another question at the bottom.  What do you suggest?  What should we include....???

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