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"We and the world are unfolding from the same transcendent source and are secretly moved to manifest more and more of our latent divinity."
God and The Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution - James Redfield, Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 6:26 AM
Subject: The Collective Answer - The Shift
Reply to: 266235
ID: 266238

Good morning, and thanks for these initial responses to our first "questionnaire and survey" -- which, I suspect, will continue to grow, as we think of more questions to ask on this subject...

This is one thing I like about this approach.  We could get a list of twenty topic areas that are important to us -- and then simply keep those questionnaires on-screen in some way -- as our responses grow.  New questions, new insights, new answers, new responses.  We are not going to resolve these huge things in a few fast clicks, then move onto something else.  This issue of "The Shift" is going to be with us for years, and we might as well keep looking at it.

But for me, it makes more sense to take a fine-grained highly controlled approach, that totally knits the responses of everybody into a common clearly-defined matrix -- rather than simply burying everybody under a ton of email, that is impossible to read or remember or deal with...

A matrix like this questionnaire -- puts everybody on the same page, and "in the same dimensions".  So, yes, those dimensions are very simple and basic -- at least for now.  BUT -- they can grow.  People can make suggestions.  We are listening.  We are relating.  We are "in circle".  Show up, click your options, add your insights.

Last night, I did get a start on a "report" that displays the responses that people have entered.  I think we've had five so far, maybe after a while we'll have 15, or 55.

So -- putting this really simply, "What is The Shift?"

It's clear from only five responses -- that we don't have any one single idea or answer to that question.

So, what I want to suggest right now -- is that people take a look at this video.  It's fast, only takes a minute or two -- and it's done in a style that is very tuned to these emerging new ideas.  It's totally holistic and "high-dimensional" -- it's fluent, it covers everything.  But -- it is also highly linear and ordered.  Look at the way those different elements flow into each other in the graphics -- ecology, economy, demographics, everything interacting with everything else.

This is what we have to learn how to do.

The Global Mind-Shift project says -- we not only have to change "what we think" -- we have to change HOW we think..  This is a critical point.  

Take a look at this video, then try that survey again.  I've added another question or two, looking for your feedback and insights, that can be shared with everybody.

Here's the video: 

Here's the survey (please be signed in):

 Here's the responses so far:

Thanks.  And thank you, Starr*, for your instinct for simplicity -- "not getting bogged down in too many cogs".

- Bruce

--- On Wed, Dec 17, 2008, in msg266235, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Dear Bruce and Beloved Ones...

I am at an internet cafe and not in a position to respond to all these amazing thoughts and ideas...but hope to in the next few days.

I think the Congress of Light is one phase. The Portal to Unity is the tool of those joining the Congress of Light. We do have to keep it simple and trust that our spiritual impetus comes from our pure hearts and connection to the Divine. I

think the idea will snowball into a HUGE UNITY once we start working it.

WE ARE THE NEW PHILOSOPHY - THAT IS WHAT IS EMERGING. All the right people will automatically be attracted if we TRUST and move into action without getting bogged down in too many cogs.

Living Love, Starr*


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008, in msg266234, S´ace G root wrote --- :{ i network this from a ning site - as a CLeARION }:


What is stopping us from Evolving and Becoming Divinity fully and Completely, to end this whole game of suffering and finish being in Illusion? I desire to have this question ended and be living the answer.




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