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"Life is a movement toward the goal of Mastership. An evolutionary program impels the advancement, improvement and mastery of ourselves and our talents. The supreme endeavor of progress is to cause every man and every woman to become Adepts in the art of spiritual advancement and the right use of spiritual powers."
Rediscovering the Angels - Flower A. Newhouse

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 6:14 PM
Subject: The Shift - what we do...
Reply to: 266255
ID: 266258

 What came up this morning about the Portal is to BE It with a view towards the thought of "Limitlessness".


What Wolfgang said about the network of nature and the future is so important, because we keep bringing the old religion and political concepts into it (which limit us as regards unified action)


 (From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. (the program made this thought come up multiply, not me. So I thought it must be meant for us). 


Starr*: It's time to be opened to something entirely new and try and leave off the way things worked/work in this old world where separation and opposition has been the operational principle. What is new is Wholeness and Unity.



Our Consciousness is at Primal Point and Love moves from there to our hearts and back again (magnetically). This is Source Love for Creation and then Creations' Love for Source. When we share that Love with one another it is humans Love for one another (unity). This is why Wolfgang says "Love will rule our relations".  This is the Portal to Unity. Notice it is Love, not religion, not politics, not culture, not dualism, but the Wholeness of Love which reflects in the wonderful practices Ram gave us in Being the Infinite Consciousness.





--- On Fri, Dec 19, 2008, in msg266255, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning.

Thanks to everybody who has ventured into our "Survey" space.  It's encouraging to see some response, and the idea that perhaps these emerging new approaches might actually prove valuable and effective.

I've done a little bit to the "report", where you can view the responses of the group -- and I will probably add another small tweak, that makes it possible to view each individual response.  Maybe we need some other alternatives -- like maybe sometimes these responses should be private or anonymous.  But for now, I just want to take the liberty of quoting a comment from Wolfgang...

For me this mind-shift mainly concerns our self-understanding of being one humanity embedded into Nature's networks. From this understanding results a different way of living, a different behaviour, a different conduct of life. Violence will be left behind and will be replaced by dialogue. Egoistic shortsightedness will be replaced by empathic mindfulness. Love will rule our relations. Any child by a genuine and from now on undisturbed learning process will pass over its ego and reach into the realm of WE, our human family. see also Yes WE CAN:

Thanks for this, Wolfgang.  I've taken some time with this thought, and been looking at this video, put together by Michael Ellis.  It's a good meditation for me, very nicely done.  And maybe I'm at that point where I need to find the balance between what a human being can do, and what nature and "the process" itself can or must do.

In response to another question, Wolfgang says

My feeling is that rather than doing something we should just surrender to the currently ongoing processes which all contribute to the global mind-shift. Be there. Be it. Here we all meet.

This is a very attractive statement.  Surrender to the ongoing process...

As I have been pushing hard to develop some new approach to "many-to-many"communications, and no doubt out in front of the curve a bit, I do naturally wonder whether this effort is really necessary or worth doing.  Is it really possible -- that 10,000 simultaneous factors can be individually correlated and brought into focus by some highly informed mystically-graced network process -- or, do we simply walk into the process of spiritual change, let it work on and through us -- and, as Wolfgang suggests, "Be there, be it, here we all meet..."

I've been feeling my way into this all morning.  And what I think I am going to do -- is go back and watch this video a few more times, and consider the role of individual human responsibility in this process.  Is there "something we need to do?"  Or does this change somehow happen "by itself"?  How could mere human agency -- actually do anything to affect a process so huge?

What I am feeling is -- I want to mediate on this a bit.  It's my sense -- that there is a lot we can and must do.  We have to change our ways on this planet, if we are going to stop global warming and species-extinction.  And making that change -- is going to be highly resisted, by the forces that are still pursuing the old ways.  Isn't there a huge educational task involved?  If we are going to propose that "violence will be left behind and be replaced by dialogue" -- an ideal I absolutely share -- don't we (somebody) need to teach the world what dialogue is?

Thanks for being here on this network, and for being patient with this co-creative process.  Maybe what I will do -- is add one or two more questions to this survey on The Shift -- regarding the role of personal responsibility -- and see what happens when I put that question in an email format and send it out to this group.

And do -- take a look at that video.  Michael Ellis has been busy -- his New Paradigm Journal web site is currently featuring his Oct 2008 issue, and is rich with links and graphics and ideas.





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