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From: Starr* S.
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 11:55 PM
Subject: The Shift - what we do? Solstice Message Summer 2008, Tahirih Starr* Saffa
Reply to: 266269
ID: 266278

Dear Bruce - Your question prompted a Solstice Message response:

Summer Solstice Message, 21-2 December 2008 by Tahirih Starr*Saffa


Let me preface all my comments with this one major overriding thought:


The new Cycle of Balance dawning is powered by the energy waves of Love*, as the energy of force is loosing its effectiveness as it does not fit into a world of harmony and balance. Globalization was envisioned to be part of the new way of life on planet earth; but Light-workers and peoples of the earth must not support it when it is coming about through negative forceful methodologies. At the core of globalization is the individual and individual human rights are to be protected and preserved in all instances as a first and fundamental priority.  All actions towards globalization is to be measured by the people with the above qualification in mind.


*The energy of Love regarding globalization represents good intention for all peoples and is divine 


I find it necessary to discuss ‘Globalization’ in the context of religion and politics in order to lay out what I see happening in the world at present.


Globalization has been envisioned by many throughout history; however, it was Tahirih (the Purifier) in the 1840’s that released the vision to the world as she wrote about the brother-sisterhood of universal humankind and changing the principle of opposition to that of Unity in Her Revelatory poem:


The Morn of Guidance:
“Truly, the Morn of Guidance commands the breeze to begin
All the world has been illuminated; every horizon, every people
No more sits the shaykh in the seat of hypocrisy
No more becomes the mosque a shop dispensing holiness....
The world will be free from superstitions and vain imaginings
The people free from deception and temptation...
The carpet of justice will be outspread everywhere
And the seeds of friendship and unity will be spread throughout
The false commands eradicated from the earth
The principle of opposition changed to that of unity.”

Poem by Tahirih-Qurratu’l-Ayn, 1840’s

Tahirih in History: Perspectives on Qurratu’l-Ayn, Sahir Afaql, editor.


By 1863, after Tahirih’s martyrdom, Her teachings were misused because they became incorporated into the Baha’i Faith where the founder made an effort to use them to help rejuvenate an outdated Islamic ideology and advance it by creating a Universal Baha’i Commonwealth.


Therefore, using terms like ‘the oneness of mankind, unity in diversity, new world order, etc. Bahá’í proclaimed primary principles to shape nations into a global family: 1. The oneness of God; 2. The oneness of humanity; 3. The essential oneness of the world's great religions;  4. The independent investigation of the truth;  5. Agreement of science and religion;  6. The equality of men and women; 7. The elimination of all forms of prejudice; 8. The establishment of world peace;  9. Universal education; 10. The establishment of a divine economy with a spiritual foundation which includes sharing or the world’s resources; 11. An auxiliary world language to remove barriers of communication;   12. The establishment of a world commonwealth of nations – often referred to as “The New World Order” which will eventually flow into and be governed by the Baha’i Universal House of Justice situated in Israel (something most people don’t realize).



Initially, the above principles sound like positive next steps for humanity in moving from nationhood to a global family. In fact people throughout the world adopted the aims and they became a platform for many, influencing Presidents, world Governments and the establishment of Institutions like the United Nations.


However, the principles soon became misused and are touted like carrots to attract many world-wide while at the same time disempowering people and nations and often putting their resources at risk. Once adopting these principles, Institutions and Governments outside of the religion often use them for personal agendas. They have also undergone perversion within the Baha’i Community where the members are under an Administration they must obey or suffer sanctions and/or be struck off the community rolls and shunned.


When these principles become a negative in the community from which they were spawned, the world-wide community which is adopting them must take a closer look to discern what is going wrong with them if they are to be used as part of the process of globalization and to prevent the creation of a corrupt oppressive ‘new world order’.


When these principles are applied without true intent they can become ugly without people being fully aware of what is happening – like the frog doesn’t realize it is in hot water until it is too late to save itself.


For instance, the first three principles of the oneness of God, humanity, and religion, are sound ideologies until ‘what they mean’ are defined by a World Theocracy’ which must be obeyed, and where all the religions are contained in the last major revealed religion (Baha’i). This is especially worrisome when the fourth principle of ‘independent investigation of truth’, means once you are under the world-theocracy or belong to the world’s latest religion such as Baha’i it is no longer necessary to ‘investigate’ as you have found the truth and it would therefore be heretical to do so, especially since there is an Administration which is infallible as regards Truth.  It doesn’t help the atheist either.


How can it be that in the religion that introduced the principle of ‘no prejudice’ that they can discriminate by not enrolling populations of the poor and Indigenous as well as striking thousands of Blacks off their rolls as they did in the South in the USA?  How can they have teachings shunning the covenant breaker and believe that those who have not recognized the Baha’i Faith are the spiritually poor and at the same time claim they believe in 'no prejudice of any kind'?  This is more double-speak.


So is the principle of the ‘Equality of women and men’ within Baha’i praxis double speak, as the religion doesn’t allow women on their highest decision making body (Universal House of Justice). Yet they promote the principle in their literature and appoint members to be represented in United Nation Committees that are to ensure Equal rights for women world-wide knowing full well they don’t practice it themselves.


We can go on and on here looking at the ills that are happening in the world while touting these principles. For instance does the World Bank which has married with world religions really represent the ‘divine economy’ mentioned in principle ten above, or are they more supportive of the global corporate take-over that is causing people to lose the means of making a living and thus in the process losing the human right to food and shelter?


It is now the time when people are mature enough to take responsibility and make stands to ensure that there is purity of motive and loving energy regarding the move towards globalization. When this is not in place let the process halt until the motive can be purified as we don’t want to bring corruption with us into the new Cycle. Do the majority of people who tout these principles even know the suffering their misuse of these principles have and is causing? Let us not put energy into faulting them, but rather ensure Love IS the driving Energy of Globalization. It can be a beautiful Paradigm Shift without suffering if we choose to make it so.  


*Love Energy will power all things – so it is something all people will learn to use. The sooner the better.


Living Love from the Elysium Gardens,

Summer Solstice, 21-2 December 2008





 --- On Sat, Dec 20, 2008, in msg266269, Bruce Schuman wrote ---


 Good morning, beautiful people.  Thanks for this inspiring and graceful stuff.

Starr*, you prompt me to create another little survey -- on the theme "What is Globalization?"

I think you hit on an important point -- where you introduce some of the things that can go wrong, or are destructive -- yet at the same time, you suggest that it can, or was "meant to be", a powerful positive force.

As I see it, people, this is another big subject, that is going to be around for a long time.  If you get a minute, click on the "Surveys" link, and tack a few of your thoughts into that format.

I have not yet been able to get the "send a survey by email" feature going -- I've got a few things to figure out on how to do that -- but for now, take a look, and give it a couple of clicks on the web.

I do think we will continue to expand this approach -- adding new questions in response to what people say, sending out new questions individually by email now and then, etc -- pointing people back to their same "opinion panel" on a series of issues...

We might have 50 of these things going after a while, on every point and issue where we want to explore and build understanding, while still honoring and preserving those details where we see things differently.

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--- On Fri, Dec 19, 2008, in msg266261, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

 This is great S'ace

"OneTure" ---- Yes, like Bruce said, we have never attempted a Global Unity before on this planet that we know here is to the Oneture (New Planetary Society emerged from the Portal of Unity with Love as the pivitol point and Limitless potential). 

Globalization as it is taking place is an ugly process that robs the Soul of its God/ess Essence because of the negative motives of oligarchy, when really it was first envisioned to be a wondeful and graceful rebirthing for humanity. The process of Globalization must be RUN BY LOVE in all instances or come to a standstill till LOVE reappears.

I keep seeing the Circle - with Love in the Torus Centre and Ram's Points emanating as rays that birth and enfold continuously (I wish I could diagram better and produce it for you to see....The Swan Heart is in the Centre (Source Consciousness and we here in Mirror).  V-KA - are you there to help?








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