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"We have to come to a point when we truly feel the oneness, the unity in all the aspects of our lives." Sun Bear (Native American elder), 'The Shaman and The Medicine Wheel'
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight - Shirley Nicholson

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 9:36 AM
Subject: Divine Feminine...
ID: 266282

Thanks, Starr*, for your message.  I've been exploring all these issues a bit this morning, as our collective co-creativity continues...

But let me just mention -- that last night, thinking about this "Divine Feminine" aspect -- I had the feeling that I needed to included these dimensions in this "Portal" project.  So, I did a little google search on "divine feminine" -- and one of the sites I found -- is from author and scholar/writer Jungian analyst Anne Baring -- who, it seems to me, is an exquisite voice for this message of deep intuition and the feminine spirit.

I was so impressed with her site -- which is very rich, with many pages and full content -- that I wrote her an email message thanking her -- and this morning, did get a note back from her.  It turns out that she actually already has an Interspirit membership -- so, that was exciting.

Here's an example from her -- rich with ideas and visions, Starr*, that probably resonate immediately with you, or are things you have already studied.  My being just responds instantly to her vibrations...

Here is just a tiny excerpt from that page...


Healing the Soul through reconnecting Body, Soul and Spirit

©Anne Baring

The living spirit grows and even outgrows its earlier forms of expression; it freely chooses the men and women in whom it lives and who proclaim it. This living spirit is eternally renewed and pursues its goal in manifold and inconceivable ways throughout the history of mankind. Measured against it, the names and forms which men have given it mean little enough; they are only the changing leaves and blossoms on the stem of the eternal tree.
                                                               C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Healing is wholeness. To be healed and whole we need to reconnect body, soul and spirit through:
     1. Awareness of the Presence of Soul/Spirit in and as all that is.
     2. Developing a conscious relationship with and respect for the complex web of life we are part of.
     3. Bringing together spirit and nature, thinking and feeling, mind and soul, the masculine and feminine aspects of our being.
     4. Understanding the instincts and caring for the body with its miraculous integrated processes.

to recap: this Course is about:
Recovering the lost feminine dimension of the divine.
Healing the split between spirit and nature.
Discovering that we have never been outside an ensouled universe, outside a great Web of Being
Discovering that the soul is not only in us. We are in the soul. To repeat what I said in seminar 1 about the soul:

The Soul is:
The Feminine Aspect of Spirit
The Vehicle of Spirit
The Containing Principle of the Universe
The Principle of Relationship, Attraction and Participation

           As I suggested in seminar 1, there are two concepts of soul: one is the personal soul, the core of our being, source of our deepest instinctive feelings, hopes and longings. These feelings, hopes and longings will connect us, if we allow them to, to the greater entity in whose life each of us participates - an Entity, Being or Consciousness that is the life of the universe, the life of our planet (what we call nature) and of every stone, plant and creature on it. It is this greater consciousness, the ground of our own consciousness, this wider, inclusive concept of soul that has been lost. The extent to which it has been lost is reflected in this statement of a modern scientist: "I myself, like many scientists, believe that the soul is imaginary and that what we call our mind is simply a way of talking about our brains." (Francis Crick, Nobel prize winner, one of discoverers of DNA)
           The soul has been imagined in Christian culture as something within our nature - something that connects us to spirit and can act as a receptacle or vessel of spirit. Spirit has been defined in male imagery as something that is totally transcendent - outside or beyond us. But, as I hope I have shown in seminar 2, the whole of life, visible and invisible (in the image of the Great Mother) was once experienced as spirit - as something inclusive and all-embracing to which we belonged, a greater life or consciousness in whose Being we participated, something we were connected to, and through it, to each other and to all aspects of life. There was no essential barrier between what was outside us and what was within. Outside and inside were part of cosmic life: one part visible - the physical universe - and the other invisible, including our thoughts, emotions and imagination. Today we have accepted the separation between our inner life and the outer visible one of our environment, but this separation is the creation of our own consciousness. Before this sense of separation arose, we felt part of an invisible web of relationships that was the hidden life of the universe - a sacred matrix or sea or field of being. The role of the shaman, artist, poet or mystic was to connect us with this great sea of being, this dimension of cosmic soul. Even today, a modern artist has written, "Beneath our technological civilization, there still flows the living river of human consciousness within which is concentrated the life of the animals, plants, stars, the earth and the sea, and the life of our ancestors, the flowing generations of men and women: the sensitive and solitary ones, the secret inarticulate longing before the mystery of life."


There's a lot going on in our little co-creative alchemical crucible.  Thanks to everybody, peace...

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