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"One can understand the nature of the Supreme by thorough study of oneself, the difference between oneself and the Supreme Being understood as the relationship between the part and the whole."
Bhagavad-Gita As It Is - A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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From: Eye ~.
Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 10:43 AM
Subject: You Are Beyond All Doubt & Hesitation
Reply to: 266276
ID: 266284

Within the Paradox of Your Mere Full Presence


--- On Sat, Dec 20, 2008, in msg266276, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

I remember in the Garden some one remarked to me there were a few things we should not have brought with us to such a Heavenly Spot as they were from the old paradigm. I wonder if there is a refining or discernment key that filters and refines so as to extract the Unity Factor from each linked site? I guess the Unity Factor is the Source Connection or Reality Truth.  Just a thought. Starr*


I hear the answer to this question raised by Starr*.  I hear of Bruce defining a Questionnaire and anything else we may collectively deem necessary as an entry filter, which in the face of one world population seems logical, even essential.  I argue that to most masterfully grasp our role, we must minimize all use of filtration at the door.  We gotta let everybody in.  Here’s why.

We are challenged to listen to ourselves, most notably our own words.  Starr* is rushing.  Actually we found this new wonderful place.  As we share of it, about it, we are given the gift of recognizing that anyone can and will Naturally be driven to bring to our portal all that they have each held to the most certainly and dearly all this life long.

At the defined outset we seek, the fewer molding barriers we place in the way the better.  Everyone is welcome irrespective of everything.  What we must become actively visible speakers for, more than anything, is merely being very well prepared to help people logically step away, as a function of a welcome to engagement, from the small errors in their otherwise deep commitment to the health of all.  We are mainly facing those who place too much legitimacy in the guidance of religion or government or the job they do to supply support to a family.  All understandable but all off the hearted mark.

When we allow ourselves to be freed from the hell we’ve built, everyone will have and be fully accepted in the job of full or no participation that they individually most want.  Everyone will be compensated fairly and fully.  Everyone will have the best health care deliverable at no expense.  Everyone will have access to knowledge and support for their best career, nutrition and health.  These are every one a secular issue.  Religion, government, history, science, mathematics, banks, and private wealth can all not alone deliver on those natural features of life which all of us know are now within our common ability as a civilized nation of people.  I am not here either to argue that our established institutions are wrong, except to the extent that they are, but rather to force us all to believe that a way can be found to the natural result we all want and know we can no longer allow ourselves to be lied to around without seriously considering revolt against whoever may be saying they hold that whole.  Why would a healthy people want to invest that level of authority anywhere.

Love’s primary formula is the best result for the largest number.  That’s not the best result for all but it begins looking realistically in that direction.  The start is merely getting people to know our commitments.  They do not have to buy them in advance of entering the room.  I cannot offer to you in advance the proof that i can lead this world to the end of suffering, but i can admit that to be my determined intent.  I can admit the claim of an ability to see how to do that.  To make it real the first thing i have to do is show up in your face and get you to merely hear that.  That’s no small matter, and i’m sure, but my voice is wasted if i don’t know who it is i’ve got listening.  You haven’t seen my book yet because i don’t know who wants to read it.  I don’t possess the money to buy your attention and if i did i’d spend it differently because your attention, purchased, is not what i want.  Your attention, purchased, holds no meaningful value over here.

The most among the numbers our wholly clear and clean Global Resonance Plain of Order will attract certainly at the outset is religiously oriented folks with clarities they want to test against what they hear in what we say.  Not as against (in a good way) what we say, but ALWAYS what they hear in what we say.  Remember there is no one out there and we are all only dealing with our individual emotional reactions to the events we experience on a daily basis.  So plan to get buried fast by misunderstanding and confusion.  I like our computer tools but they are not easy to use well.

What we’re out after is a testing we very much want.  Our unwritten task is to become the repository of some, more widely all the Time, respected final word.  It is first by gaining that respect that our guidance will be respected.

The source mechanism for gaining that respect, beyond the technical discussions of governmental and religious dogma that will always potentially produce controversy, is not by marketing for the sale of books, but by welcoming others to vent and share all of the unspoken they have held onto for so long.  What each MUST speak aloud, to someone, of all they’ve been required by life or fear to refrain from speaking aloud all their lives long until your voice was recently heard.  In addition to the mere freedom to speak what’s in their minds (our minds), the freedom to hear their own speaking and know it fully respected, is the heart food simultaneously received as a function of our engaged, not correcting, listening.

We cannot be rule bound.  We will need buildings, not the right answer.  One of the earliest features of my primary plan which i’ve already sent out some feelers for is buying up all the Lowe’s or Home Depot stores possible, so that people can just have large open places to go, feel heard, feel accepted, get food, get warm, learn to take care of their own health and diet the best right way, and be in the midst of multitudinous opportunities for growth in a manner consistent with nothing more than Kindness & Caring for all.  I’m also thinking about hockey rinks in the back yards, for ice skating and whatever.

When we do that, the most important thing you and others will find in your personal experience is a new knowing around the genuine nature of diversity.

Diversity, Diversity, Diversity.

Respect is a two sided coin.  Its other side is Diversity.  In the USA we know next to nothing of genuinely interactive diversity now.   We are challenged to learn a genuine respect for ALL  perspectives.  My experience of American society as a whole is that we fear each other so fully that for the most part it comes across as though we mainly hate the inconvenience of dealing with each other at all.  We are all too busy with our individual personal agendas of probably just survival.  That’s why the word ghetto has had such a heyday.  The Global Resonance network and United Communities of Spirit are populated mostly by isolated theoreticians largely safe in cultural circumstances that today are adequately tolerable.  A low space in my book.

To be the most fully successful Global Resonance is challenged to become a place first of enthusiastically outreaching determination to unfold all humanity’s diversities, even quirks.  The quirks will probably be the most fun.  The curious differences each of our individual cultures hold as real that seem so odd to others who don’t live here (remember the Coke bottle falling from the sky).  As the simplest example, how many Americans can discuss the nuancive differences among the people of the various American states.  I can tell you the major differences between people in Palm Beach and Alachua Counties in Florida.  I can tell you the difference between east and west coast Floridians.  I can tell you the basic differences among Floridians, Midwesterners, and New Yorkers.  Sarah Palin can tell you about the imperative of pardoning one turkey in Alaska every Thanksgiving.

None of those things are true, except to the extent that they are, but a major point is that we tend to want to move always to expanding understanding and certainty (a purely “dogmatistic” drive) when those things are more nearly the booby prize, while the true gift resides in the conversation that results when we merely share our varietal thoughts face to face, with anyone.  We don’t have to convince each other of who is finally right.  We are all right.  That is the beauty of the Common Way.  We are not really different.  We are really the same.  The one single thing common to all humanity is a strong desire to do the best we can to take care of those who are our nearest and dearest.  This has been at the source of all our warring throughout history.  The fact is that’s just not necessary any longer because we are no longer living exclusively in the struggle to survive.  As one collective human race, we have wholly surmounted the struggle to survive.  That also is no small matter, and if you can’t see it, i can prove it.

During the second half of the 20th century the human race finally and wholly surmounted the ages long tandem struggles to survive and to civilize itself.  The proof is the industrial revolution, the United Nations, Federal Express and the computer.  The Third World War, the Cold War, is over.  We can cool our jets as a US nation now and gear up to start doing the good for all humanity that the gift of our freedom to occupy these amber waves of grain finally requires we gear ourselves up to delivering for a waiting ready world.  I think we should cede all Florida to the larger world.  It's too nice a place and we'll destroy it completely for sure if we don't get our own national abuses to stop.

Our differences don’t matter, our commonalities do.  Our mutual ability to laugh at ourselves is the thing we’ll find most fulfilling.  The gifts of getting to know the people you thought you would always hate.  That’s an adequately legitimate purpose for anyone’s life.  Ask Marshall Rosenberg (Non-Violent Communication) if you doubt that.

So we may be using the net to link people but i tell you that Love most wants to see that result in vastly more personal face-to-face interactions.  That’s what we want to be feeding ultimately, faces.  We are driving toward a world that will vocalize its new paradigm the most fully and successfully when vastly many more people are traveling the world, more than anything, merely to learn about each other, and doing so safely and well fed irrespective of their economic status or nationality or who they're traveling with, or anything else.  And always while watching far less television.

Any slightest breath of rigidity in the midst of anything we do will impair both our intent and success.

Here’s an appropriate story~  One new enthusiastic member of UCS posts a link in her profile there to the web site for a new project she is engaged in with two friends.  A holistic health center of some kind.  She might have all the wrong vocabulary, but she has all the right Heart.  What do we do.  We are challenged to respond to that question with support of every necessary kind, nothing less.  It must be support that does not make her wrong, even if her words are off the hearted mark, but instead affirms her commitment to helping others.  How can we train ourselves and others like that woman in that form of way.  We are here to help each other, not to make anyone wrong, and if we are half right about what’s possible today, then vast multitudinous numbers of people will be wanting to and will be changing jobs.  And web sites don’t move any of us to act or buy anything as well as a genuine smile at arm's length can.

As a nation at economic turmoil i’d say we couldn’t have a better moment for such a set of circumstances.  If we can become an outcry for the right agenda it is easy to know that the money holders all around the nation, large and small, governmental, religious, or private, will see the way to fund that which is natural within the lives of us all.  And no one has to be first alone.  It's a thing we CAN do together.  Work together first.  Relationship is everything.

I’m sure there’s more to say, but the drift described here is clear enough.  I have said very little that others can grasp in the usual financially bound ways.  My intent in this regard is purposeful because i see it as imperative to motivate you, my any and every reader, by some means that is not again and exclusively defined by terms of purchase and sale, which seem to be the primary (and sadly nearly exclusive) means by which US Americans can find the willingness to engage with each other.  You have got to see the legitimacy of universalized caring and you have got to be willing to allow yourselves to be inconvenienced, even possibly financially, before i or anyone can really help.  There are no magic bullets or pills and i am calling first to your heart.  If we need to redo the very nature of the dollar and require Congress to guarantee that no one will be harmed by the changes we make along that way, then please know the ability to do that has been in the constitution since the day it was written.  We are capable of addressing to satisfaction, not compromise, every objection anyone can name, and we couldn’t want a better moment to prove it.  We can do that any Time we can do it fairly and in a manner that affirms kindness and caring for all.  All that's required is all the right votes honestly stated and honestly counted.

In Love All Ways

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