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"She [Goddess] is the ship, on which we sail the waters of the deep self, exploring the uncharted seas within. She is the door, through which we pass into the future. She is the cauldron, in which we who have been wrenched apart simmer until we again become whole."
The Spiral Dance, A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess - Starhawk (Miriam Simos)

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 5:05 AM
Subject: A new vision of reality
Reply to: 266286
ID: 266289

with interest/focus and an transco**ective state of mind i read Y'our forum ~ exchange of local / personatal perceptions entering a planetary cauldron ~ just as if the Y is coLLecting those species & spicies combining a whole lotta love into something that will crystalize ~ just because this is a Law of Time & Space ...

So we have as LEFT anchor The Portal TO Unity & as a Right anchor the Portal OF Unity.

Pretty similar as The Way to Peace & Peace as TheWay ... AGree ;-)

And that is a kind of treebut/tribute to mahatma gandhi ~ "who" celebrated his 60 year pass away ~ and therefor revelation in synchronicity.

Hmmm, i gues it was in this way of peace i once saw a simple T"ample" amplifying a study / journey on what our timespace pulses to a'life d'estimate ... you know that is an image as here

Too many words ... each word an invitation to amplify the angle meant ... and therefor sharpening as well as broadening the meaning and unders(t)anding the abundance field of diversity ~ well of quality life & beauty / elegance.

Thé wonderous & pivotal mindshift of that temple is not climbing that ... but how te descend ...

This is where the midlife barrière calls for the co*templative aspects in ... our language ~ out vehicle of understanding :: upmost field of articulation & before that invitation to address the throat chakra in a voice ... the voidvoice of formulative talent given to all around ...

YeaH ~ we can weave both into Y our spiral serpenT ~ MercYbieN T'humblick S*ace

LL :: doubles the symbol of change ~ uplifting "M U"



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