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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 6:45 AM
Subject: CoCreative Portal
ID: 266291

Good morning, many blessings...

Just a couple of thoughts. For one, thank you for these messages.  Starr*, thank you for your comments.  I do want to go through your observations and respond, in another message.

Also, thanks to those who have actually gone over to that Portal interface and clicked around a little bit.  What that is, where it's going, what it is becoming -- is still very much in formation.  There is really nothing rigid about it -- except insofar as any design involves an investment and a commitment.  But things are in a very early stage, and nothing is (yet) cast in stone.  Whether everything can be totally plastic and fluid and free-form -- well, who knows.  My instinct is -- that we do more or less "know what wisdom is", and we do know, more or less, "what the rules of the circle are".  We don't need to throw our hands up in the air and be confused about these subjects, or act as if the only polite way to proceed is to reinvent the wheel, because any presumptions are somehow inappropriately exclusionary.  When those questions come up -- we will work them out, by the well-established and clear principles that are emerging.  Love is at the center of our process -- we can trust it...

So, having said that -- just a thought or two on growth and development...

What I think is happening here -- is that this project is very much unfolding through "the principles of co-creativity".

This way of looking at things may be something somewhat unique to Santa Barbara and our local Conscious Evolution Community -- particularly as influenced by Carolyn Anderson's Co-Creator's Handbook.

Carolyn has, in her words, "seeded thousands of circles around the world."  She has been doing this for many many years, and was in the core group that created the first Harmonic Convergence.  She has been an intimate associate of Barbara Marx Hubbard, and has been gathering up everything known on these subjects for many years, combining an accurate and wise kind of scholarship with a deep attunement to the flow of spirit that actually moves through a beautiful and successful circle process.

I have shown Carolyn this Portal project, and she is interested in it.  It turns out that the Cocreator's Handbook is being republished very soon, in a slightly new format, and this is another exciting development.  In my introductory letter to Carolyn, I indicated that one possible way to unfold this project -- would be to bring together a network of teachers and writers who have a message that pertains to this Shift process, and who might want to include their material in this framework.  I have taken some "bullet points" directly from Carolyn's book -- and there are hundreds more that could be included.  In her response to me, Carolyn suggested that there might be other writers and co-workers who would be interested in this.  So, we will be exploring this soon.

So, given this emerging tendency -- what I am starting to feel and sense -- is that this entire project can and probably should emerge under the principles of co-creative circle.  People who are interested enter the circle, and become sensitive to its inner law and flow.  Through an ongoing process, the decisions affecting the form and details of the portal process give it shape.  The actual flow and development is led through the circle, in a spirit of high grace.

To me -- this feels powerful, beautiful, and exciting.  The kind of possible differences you mention, Starr*, can be washed into unity through this approach.  This is not an "either/or" project.  It's not "my way OR your way".  It is absolutely inclusionary.

So yes, in a cocreative process, people do not always agree on every point.  That is why the process is "creative".  If we knew all the answers ahead of time, the structure would be rigid and non-creative.  By honoring the relationships in the circle, every voice becomes an influence.  We are open to uncertainty, receptive.  Some would say this openness through uncertainty is the essence of the Divine Feminine.  "Not knowing" is ok -- and, indeed, it can be powerful.  There is room in the glass for more to be poured in...

For me, yes, as a western esoteric mystic conceiving reality through the Logos -- this time of Christmas carries with it the "birth of Christ" energies.  For me, this portal process, and all that can be conceived and emerge through it, do carry "the vibrations of the Cosmic Christ".  So, for me, it is a birthing process.  But it is also true that we are doing this at the time of Winter Solstice, another powerful birthing cusp, in a cycle that is universal to the earth.  Peace resonates.

I can feel this coming.  By moving this project forward under the co-creative principles of the divine circle, we gain tremendous strength.  These principles are recognized everywhere, and this circle process embraces everything.  No-one has to carry all the load alone.  No-one has to be the perfect stand-out spiritual genius and all-perfect illuminated guru.  We come as we are, in a humble spirit, and offer our gifts on the table.  It will hold together, it will not break...

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