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"Nature has established laws for the government of all its creations, and it has endowed man with faculties by which he can understand these laws and live in harmony with them."
Buddhism and Psychotherapy, The Healing of Heart Doctrine - Manly P. Hall

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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 11:23 AM
Subject: JoAnn
Reply to: 266295
ID: 266296

 Bruce do you have a phone number or could you call the information directory and try to get one?

Please phone her asap... if humanly possible. The angels are stirring ... on behalf of her being reached.

Blessings, Bonnie

--- On Mon, Dec 22, 2008, in msg266295, Bruce Schuman wrote ---


Just want to mention -- that I have not heard from JoAnn Kite for a while.  JoAnn is the creator of this absolutely awesome collection of quotations that we call "Many Voices / One Truth".  In my opinion, that is an absolutely stunning piece of work, of highest caliber.

The reason I say that, beyond simply thanking JoAnn again, is that the last I heard from JoAnn was a month or more ago, when she told me she was expecting to have some surgery, and would get back in touch when she could.  But she's not responding to my emails, which is very unusual.  I am a little concerned.

So, I just want to send out a prayer and a blessing and statement of gratitude and love for JoAnn, and I hope she is doing well.  Thanks again, JoAnn, your heart and vision and courage are amazing and beautiful.



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