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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 1:35 PM
Subject: A new vision of reality - resonant semantics
Reply to: 266289
ID: 266299

 Just happened to see this quote, which I think expresses at least some of the idea Starr* was suggesting.

"Actually there is no merging with the Center. We are always merged with the Center. It is rather an understanding of this eternal union now, and not a manufacture of it tomorrow."
Spectrum of Consciousness - Ken Wilber

 Yes, well, this is an ancient metaphysical issue, and I think you say it well, S'ace.  Opposites sides of the same coin.  Do we need to build it, or does it already exist.

Right brain / left brain -- all that stuff.  duality/unity...

I think where this is all going

is towards an emerging new "resonant semantics"

Words -- are brittle things.  I love language -- but word-meaning is always defined at some level of abstraction, with a "cascade of implicitly nested distinctions" within it.  That cascade of distinctions is what I mean by the word when I use it -- but it is implicit (unspoken, undefined, merely implied), and when I speak, I don't actually provide all that detail.

SO -- you have to meet me in the middle, and do everything you can to understand what I mean by the word, instead of becoming annoyed that my internal cascade (my private definition) is not your internal cascade (your private definition).  If I insist that my definition is THE definition, we are going to miss each other, and start another battle.....

Clearly understanding this -- simply shows that all communication in language absolutely and totally depends on trust.  The exact meaning cannot be expressed, because we can't speak sentences of 40,000 words (even if we can afford lawyers).  So, we have to build trust and resonance in our word meanings, or live in a world where we don't understand each other.  There are a million languages, and a million ways to parse the space of reality.  "Monday" and "Tuesday" are not the only words on this planet for this thing some of us call "the first two days of the week".  How did the natives of Australia describe this 500 years before the whites arrived.... 

 --- On Mon, Dec 22, 2008, in msg266289, S´ace G root wrote ---

So we have as LEFT anchor The Portal TO Unity & as a Right anchor the Portal OF Unity.

Pretty similar as The Way to Peace & Peace as TheWay ... AGree ;-)

LL :: doubles the symbol of change ~ uplifting "M U"






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