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"Each moment of your life is a holy moment, a moment of creation. Each moment is a new beginning. In each, you are born again."
Communion with God - Neale Donald Walsch

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 8:54 PM
Subject: A new vision of reality - resonant semantics
Reply to: 266303
ID: 266304

 Hmmm ingbirds ...


--- On Mon, Dec 22, 2008, in msg266303, Starr* Saffa wrote ---


*Yes, where is JoAnn? I wonder if her quote project, that she shared with us, has been published? It sure would be great to have a book of the quotes. And where are our VeroniKA's, Peter's, and Constance's, etc.???? We are all like angels that fly in and around sharing fragrances of light from time to time to make the whole.

Living Love, Starr*


well ~ well ~ well

i sense our beloved ones are all diGesting the S'ilence of the WombS' ... ;-)

and our KA seems to arrive here in Holland on ChritmasDay in Bakkum "at the distant shore" ... S'ka diving ... We will inform the Crew Soon ... Namasté EverY OnpE*Ace


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