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The Divine Milieu - Pierre Teilhard deChardin

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 2:30 AM
Subject: Yes We Can Save The Planet
Reply to: 266306
ID: 266307

With more Michael's in the world we will save the planet! ---

Big Hugs --- Starr*

--- On Tue, Dec 23, 2008, in msg266306, SĀ“ace G root wrote ---

Goo:D to Hear from You , Michael!

some pureposnotes below ...

--- On Tue, Dec 23, 2008, in msg266305, Michael Ellis wrote ---

Der All

Please see our YouTube---

Yes We Can Save The Planet

The survival of Humanity on this planet is at Tipping Point.Our collective intention must be to save the planet encompassing all of life and nature,This Earth can be saved for Humankind only if people are prepared to live with Nature rather than upon Nature ."Yes We Can Save The Planet" is a a call not only to our intellect, our comprehension and reasoning power, but also to the driving force of our underlying spirituality, our ability to care for others, for other forms of life, for the Earth as our home and responsibility.




in my country i have seen how many Doctors, Engineers, Priests & Politicians even Judges & Bankers have lost their fundamental ground for being with so many more on the planet ... this is why i point at the Belief System at Each Body ... for it is given and pure & selfhealing at instance ... When one can help another a little bit or byte that calls for gratitude and openness to the given opportunities at hand ...

well, let me keep this short by here & T here ... ;-) bon VoYage ~ S'ace

MercYbien for the ParadigmJournalisticAdds!


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