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"The world moves on, and everything in it, from sunrise to sunset, from new moon to full moon, from century to century, as if it had intelligence; as an arrow flies to its mark as though it had eyes. The arrow is in fact directed by eyes, but by the eyes and hands of the archer; the world too is directed by an intelligence, by the intelligence of God."
My Way of Life, The Summa Simplified for Everyone - Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy

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From: Ram V.
Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 7:17 AM
Subject: No We Can't ~ This Planet Has Already Been Saved
Reply to: 266308
ID: 266309

Hi All,

A very beautiful dialogue, " We can save the planet". Thank you. In this regard, how about each one of us individually taking a full responsibility to make a tangible contribution according to one's own unique talents. It is the same way as we take responsibility for our own health, prosperity and wisdom. Without being very clear and committed as to what I am going to do in this regard, there isn't going to be much movement in this direction. As such a simple question for all of us:

"What can I do in this regard effective immediately?" Or "how can I serve?"

Maybe if someone has a handy list of such possible contributions, then one can easily check out one's own contribution according to one's own unique talents. This way one can enjoy tremendously while one serving with one's own contribution.


With Love and Best Wishes........Ram

--- On Tue, Dec 23, 2008, in msg266308, Eye ~ wrote ---

Bruce, Starr*, Everyone

It's a pleasure to have given some brief Time to looking at and around the work of Michael Ellis. I rarely have the days for reading that i'd most like to give to so many of the excellent activists of his kind. Thank you Michael, for sharing your gifts so responsibly and professionally for all the while you have. Both you and so many others here reside within an amazing worldwide collective and are far more well heard than you may ever have recognized or known.

While in that looking at Michael's work this morning my predominant experience was the awareness that we who must be referred to in this work as the intellectual classes (and probably more, but at essence that) have used and said and written virtually all of what this world and those who govern our individual nations and multitudinous religions need in order to carry us all (the two simple words that include the entire human planet, all its other floral and faunal embodied species, and the many not-embodied species visiting here now) to the Peace that is only the essential beginning ground for what we all know in our hearts is our birthright today merely as humans and as a far larger and yet to be fully grasped reality of conscious populations.

I argue that the Time has finally come to do some, specifically and collectively agreed upon, More and my purpose here only briefly is to characterize as tangibly as possible the foundation for what i see as that More which remains necessary merely for humanity today. Humanity because humanity claims responsibility for this universal planet in a way that all the others can hear. The votes of all those many others, if the concept of voting can been seen as real within such a Midst of Circumstance, have already been cast and counted and the "ball" of choice has been left to the remaining activity of the humans.

My personal take on the reality we face includes a connection to all the natural, visible populations we share with the planet~ everything edible and inedible that grows, everything that crawls, walks, swims, and flies, everything resident on the planet however small and knowable by means of any humanly accessible tool as well as just as much as any human can imagine that resides beyond all of our sight and awareness. I no longer maintain any web site or blog because i am primarily engaged at this Time in setting my Self up as an additional and (so far still) largely invisible backbone behind the next US federal government administration. I enter into that capacity after having served more than one of the prior administrations as fully as largely confused and misguided political leadership was able to allow (with a minimal statement for 8 years of services rendered still remaining unpaid), largely convinced for many long whiles that the Democratic party in the USA is no more capable than the Republicans of grasping the measure of genuine shift essential now because if the Republicans and Democrats, even together, were merely willing to consider the matters we continue to press, they would have done it already.

Fortunately, my long hopelessly critical view of American politics has largely shifted since and because of the events of early 2004. I won't give credit where it is not due. It is the events i've described that have produced a very gradually expanding willingness in Washington to acknowledge my existence and activities. There is a legitimate concern i saw very early on to make certain that collective, social, national pandemonium be avoided at all costs. This has significance because of the immensity of what we are now capable of and charged to change for the benefit of all this world. The news is all good.

I was born in the US state of Arkansas at October's end in 1954, grew up primarily in and around New York City, and all my residences in this lifetime have consistently been in the USA. My elemental lifelong capacity is as a Metaphysical Venturer and explorer of the seemingly unknowable. Because of how out of the ordinary that sounds to conventionally trained minds, i have rarely operated within the awareness of any meaningful portion of the American public or in any formalized educational setting or capacity. Until now any published works rightly attributable to my name are published with the names of others, most commonly outside of my own awareness.

As an undergraduate psychology student in the American northeast i studied everything then accessible and reachable on human perceptual ability. Following that i took a law degree and a privately accomplished medical education around which i ignored the complexities of the degree and licensing. For exactly twenty years ending in 1998, i practiced law primarily as bank counsel, estate planner, and non-profit practitioner for the medium wealthy in New York and Florida. I understand the rudiments of web design and have twice in the most recent years briefly established and maintained a personal site, as well as a blog with a basic list of links, all of which were difficult to accomplish and maintain and are currently removed from the web. Along a very specific course of metaphysically essential conduct i have personally challenged every human face and every face of the law that has ever been necessary to what i had long known was essential to save the human world from the self-destruction it was so long driving itself toward. Because of that imperative i have also reluctantly but willingly spent approximately three years since 1998 either incarcerated for "crimes" virtually all of the involved police officers and lay observes could barely understand at all or hidden in the US mental health system because other elements of my minimally invasive activities were not tangibly criminal or understandable in any other ways.

Because of their lack of responsible perspective or indifference, and more because of their collective fear, i also made certain during the eight years between 1996 and 2004 (the "Octagon" of Ebo Thorbas) that all three major branches of the US government and their media were aware of my activities and as much as possible the measure of my intent and purposes. All that has been "needed to know" has been shared. Everyone today who needs to know where i am, what i look like and, as much as rightly possible, what i'm doing is consistently allowed that information because secrecy, after January 1, 2004, is no longer necessary. Nor by the way is religion, the science of our origins, war, or intentional killing of any kind, except for those instances when some among us either intentionally or through lack of awareness allow ourselves to be slaughtered to supply food for any among all the other many within our embodied natural food chain of Life who require that for their own survival. All of those immense foci of human activity can be described now as unnecessary because of the fulfillment of their eons-long and essential purposes. That fulfillment has most successfully and completely been accomplished by the miraculous seeming advances of the human race that reached a natural pinnacle point of collective accomplishment by the end of the 20th century. What occurred at the start of 2004 was the full affirmation of that accomplishment by the capacities in force that had combined to allow this planet to come into existence "in the first place." The essential and largely secret organization that established itself around my activities near the year 2000 has every necessary detail.

What all that means, as far as i can participate in what's taking place here, is deeply contextual. I cannot participate in forwarding what we do here (which i remain very enthusiastic about) unless i can at least continue to operate from the take on reality i know, which today i am aware most know nothing of at all. That's a dilemma i think easily resolvable but, at the deepest emotional foundation i can offer, my intent is to say and make you fully aware that we have already succeeded at saving this planet. The greatest battle humanity could ever have known is over. Wholly over.

January 1, 2004 was the judgment day so many lived in some trepidation of. All the events in "existence" that made life here on this planet possible and all the surviving species it hosts as home were judged collectively on or prior to then and i know because of what i saw that day and the multitude of affirmations i have known since that we were judged adequate. We are Life and all Life as we know it was affirmed that day by the single force most elementally at Source to our entire collective existence. It will come as no surprise to anyone, and likely relief to multitudes to know that Source is Love. Caring and Kindness for all, whenever possible for the largest number. And the best we can each individually do every other way.

There are specific locations all within these United States which i can name where the events of 2004 occurred. The primary date i already have named. Metaphysically, and from creation's perspective our world was both created and affirmed in a brief but long moment on Delmarva day. Begun as a breath of intent, and potentially snuffed out of all existence as though all our understood "history" had never been. A glance by Love to being, at, as Creation, and within, that might have rendered non-existent all that we have ever known or done. One glance at and all around inside every existent capacity we calculated about the universe, its big bang, and every other conception of initiation any among us all have ever believed in or been sure enough of to say we Knew.

If you can read these words you can know these things~ we are emotion, we are sensual, we are thought, we are human, we are the capacity to know. We exist by Love's consent in action already accomplished and completed. The good news is that we succeeded at earning our continued existence through the collective weight of our willingness to be in, share, and stand as the voices, hands, and hearts of Love. All the prophecies of old, all the weight of our animal and conscious collective ability and intent that was so naturally focused on the turn of the millennium, were fulfilled successfully when the two greatest strivings of all human history were met. Throughout all those Times we struggled for survival mainly to surmount the hostile elements of this planet as we found it. We have succeeded at that, fully. We had by 2000. Beyond that we have always been struggling also with what can be called a multi-local argument around the question, "what's the best way to run a society." By the end of the last century we already knew the Sphinx's solution to that last Riddle~ There is no best way to run our societies. The best way is to respect all perspectives in the beauty of the diversity that we all remain so determined to affirm.

Think about that much and i'll write more on this when i can. If you can accept them and if you will, please know these things as among the holiday gifts we all may share as this massively wonderful year comes to its natural end.

In Love All Ways


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