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"The person who successfully probes his own inner nature and existence back to its Centre and Core, finds one single source of all men, all beings, all existence. Unity then emerges as the supreme verity, the everlasting truth."
Basic Theosophy - Geoffrey Hodson

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From: Jane A.
Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:43 AM
Subject: Relativitys Holiday Gift
Reply to: 266312
ID: 266313

Greetings and Namaste everyOne;

I wanted to share what Mr. Fred Meagher shared with us on UCS:

c/o Mr. Fred Meagher:

Having spent almost forty years trying to get back within that narrow spectrum most call reality I am all too familiar with the cosmic dimensions you describe in your articles. Aldous Huxley believed the brain was mostly a reducing valve limiting our perceptions to our needed hive functions in day to day 3D. In the sense that a large amount of our religious and scientific knowledge is incomprehensible without at least some experience of this vaster brain function personally; your descriptions are very important; but do not explain how to access these greater states. The commonly available descriptions of these experiences such as the lives of the saints, or shamanistic visions, or schizophrenic delusions, or psychedelic adventures, or the whole panoply of worldwide scriptures; do not substitute for the actual experience of divine inspiration. Is there a safe way to do this?

Traditionally there are two paths; the easy safe long term right hand path and the dangerous difficult fast left hand path. The right way may never induce an experience of supernormal reality; but is the basis of social stability. The left way is focused on producing such experiences; but has no guarantees that one will ever return to stability. Once that reducing valve is turned off it can be impossible to turn it back on. Trading stability for change can produce long overdue adjustments when no masters of the left hand are available to manage such monumental change; such as our current financial crisis. Decades of dependence on rational simplistic views of human nature leave the entire population without insight into irrational processes. Rationality depends on very simple mechanical perspectives; but as you point out Dr. Paraskey; reality is far from simple.

The classic myth of darkness rising up and a messenger of light coming to dispel it occurs in every large scale mythology. The outdated perceptions of an era produce ever growing problems until a new paradigm is introduced by a savior. That this simple fact is invisible to dogmatic adherents is one of the symptoms of the darkness; the vast range of mythical knowledge is incomprehensible to those without direct experience of the larger functions of the human mind; stability has been abused and change neglected. Every faith has some form of the story of an outsider who brings needed insights to a closed society; and almost all seem to think it happened only that one time. The real lesson of our four hundred thousand years of ritual wisdom is that there needs to be at least a few travelers of the left hand path to guide the society through times of extreme adjustments. This is not for everybody; many are called but few are chosen.

This Christmas as we sing of a new born Lord; perhaps the larger meaning should be remembered. The thousands of Lords and Ladies who have brought understanding to their peoples in times of darkness should be remembered. Every age needs an agent of the Greater Light. The hive needs stability as well as change. The right hand needs the left hand. Making such exotic experiences a crime leads to extreme dependence on mere rationality; and gigantic periods of darkness an inescapable part of the cycles of history. To restore the trust that economic foundations require when greed and violence have eroded the structures of global society is not a task for rational bank managers. A madman from the beyond the pale has always come to rectify such situations all our mythologies tell us. Believing this happened only once long ago keeps us from recognizing such new messengers in the present. There are hundreds like me who have weathered this time of simplistic science and mythological incomprehensions. Maybe the time has come to let the Light shine again? Thank You Dr. Paraskey for extending science into the realm of faith. Science and religion meet in the mystical experience. May such knowledge cease to be a crime or a disease.

To the everlasting Light Reborn.

Fred M.

Thank you Fred !

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