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"Never during its pilgrimage is the spirit of man completely adrift and alone. From start to finish its nucleus is the Atman – the self-luminous abiding point, boundless as the sky, indivisible, absolute, the only reality." Huston Smith, 'Karma, Rebirth and Freewill'
Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery - Cranston/Head, editors

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From: Eye ~.
Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 3:05 PM
Subject: Portal to Unity
Reply to: 266315
ID: 266317


I wonder if you can invite that group in through our portal.

In Love All Ways


--- On Wed, Dec 24, 2008, in msg266315, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning.  Kind of stormy here in Santa Barbara...

I am continuing to collect "succinct insights" for our Portal project.  I just wanted to quickly show you a very rich vein of insights that I have discovered, in what is really a "business coaching" web system.  This site is about "organizations" and what it takes to make them successful -- but so much of what is included seems broadly relevant to social change and idealism in general...

For some of us (like me), just looking at this material is really rather humbling.  These people have gathered together a really great list of insights, taken from everywhere.  They have special pages for lots of different themes, and here are just three

Here's another one, taken from the ideas of former GE corporate CEO Jack Welch.  Take a look at this -- it's really quite brilliant

This site talks about meditation.  They talk about the Tao.  They talk about teamwork. They quote Rabindranath Tagore. They talk about "integrated diversity".  They talk about getting rid of bureaucracy.  They talk about "boundaryless organizations".   They say, "We don't teach, we inspire!"  Many of these things they are presenting, it seems to me, are part of this "emerging new paradigm". 

It's really great to find sources like this place on the net, to help free ourselves from the ignorant tendency to think we have to reinvent the wheel.  What we need -- is some good research on wheels.  We need a treasure box, with all the wheels in one place.  Come all ye faithful, ye who can bring us a new wheel....



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