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From: Ram V.
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 7:52 AM
Subject: Unity's Wheel
Reply to: 266329
ID: 266333

 Hi Eye, et all,

Thanks for your insights towards our "Portal to Unity" and/or "Unity's Wheel. My humble comments are as follows:


Eye:>>Upon A Further Look~ Not That, Not That, Not That...<<<


Ram: Simplifying the jig-saw, I would say; of course; Not That (not the body), Not That (not the mind), Not That (not the intellect). Then what is That ( ie what is the Truth?). That is That ( i.e. Spirit is That Spiirt). Bascially based on the centuries old conclusion, "I am That I am".


Eye:>>>.. That new way of being is Love’s way of being, a reality humanity is collectively ready for and in some ways already living.  Our challenge ultimately is to inject that new way of being as universal and permanent, because we can and because this planet is the home Love carried into existence for itself....


Ram: We wouldn't have much luck with injecting the way of 'unconditional love'. However, we can intrinsically reach out people and connect with people by radiating (not injecting) the spiritual/unconditional love through our inside and outside cultures both individually and collectively.


Eye : >>>...model for business is not our intent and i argue NOT something we should look to in any way here other than as a means for understanding one part of what we are out to shift.<<< 


Ram: In my experiential awareness, the model of intrinsic Self-Radiance is the best model.

Eye: <<<...what we intend and what distinct purposes are to be served by entering through our unique Portal of the Spirit or of the Heart or of the Body, Mind & Soul.<<<

Ram: Sure, an integral model of Self-connection, Universe-Connection and Source-connection. That's why cultivating the  15 points of "Portal to Unity" as mentioned earlier and as referred to by dear Starr*.


Eye: >>>We are not here to reinvent the wheel.  We are here to share a new way of being...<<<

Ram: Agreed that we are not here to reinvent the wheel. Rather to cultivate to move again with the wheel (flow) of the Universal Consciousness that has been in existence since day one of creation. Since we have forgotten this intrinsic reality due to our predominantly over-indulgence in material matters, we need to remember who we are in our intrinsic nature of Truth/Freedom-Awareness-Joyfulness {of unconditional love}. And conduct ourselves accordingly.

Eye: >>>The best imperative appears to be that we all have the opportunity to live in the reality we’d most like.  All things fit into purpose.   I say our nation is poised perfectly now to do a very good job of getting that style of reality to life for large numbers early, easy, and often.  After all, we are Obamanation in under a month.<<<

Ram: Sure, we all are looking forward to the forthcoming hopeful Obama actions done from his combination of body-mind-soul set and further cultivation of the same intrinsic qualities cultivated; both individually and collectively.

Eye: >>>Relationship is everything....<<<

Ram : Sure, authentice realtionships. That's why development of authentic communications and  behavioral relationship skills representing both at the inner and outer levels. And also both at an individual and collective basis. Fully acknowledging and respecting the individual -collective freedom and others view points. I think-feel-know that the model that Bruce, Starr* and many of us are talking about  is complete in That essence. It only need to be cultivated. Even if we take one of those 15 points, it will spontaneously connect with all others.


Eye: >>>We have a great gift to share, among ourselves and with our neighbors.<<<   


Ram: Sure, Eye, et all. I believe that we, all of us, are here to do, to learn, to share and enjoy. We can all do that by once again remembering that we are all spiritual beings having human experiences. Life becomes pretty fulfilling from this mode of living and enjoying ourselves together. As Starr* says, "Let's all fly together..........".


With much Love and Best Wishes........Ram




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