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From: S´ace G.
Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 10:29 AM
Subject: Present / Oneness / ...
Reply to: 266351
ID: 266352

what is the imprint of the vibration "imprint"?

im = 22

print = 40

40 = ali baba & the sesame open me - code

22 it the pakal votan uranian clés


i know this is weird ~but hten it is a sharp edge cuTTing the pie too ...

the Ameri"yes we"can Pi(e) ...

just follow the keypath of 5 ralms ~ physical - emotional - mental - spiritual &

digest the Earth Intelligence ...

it is everywhere , simple ... SPEAK UP & before that contemplate the S'ilent & S'ilence:D

;-)>~~~ finish of properly & in relationship with all POINTs ! as a link'ed True You Tu'Be

--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266351, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

This first sentence is kinda tough to take. I did not receive it in a very friendly spirit, seeing in it a sweeping insult to a billion Christians -- with whom I feel deeply connected.

I felt like asking you, ok, Wolfgang, what do Auschwitz and Germans have in common....

I think of you as an educated man with a lot of heart. And I have only glanced at the first minute of this movie you are suggesting. Out of respect for you, I will take a look at it and comment.

But in that first minute, I saw what appeared to be a second-rate metaphysics, a bad definition of "spirituality", and the beginnings of a "philosophy of now" which apparently forgets that the world is a big place, that extends beyond my local neighborhood and my immediate now.

And then I noticed that your email arrived with this quote:

"The memory of oceanic Oneness is part of our soul's code. It is buried deep in our awareness; our very brains are programmed to reclaim it."

Oceanic Oneness -- a very big place. I think there might be some "Christians" living there -- maybe even some "Theists" -- or possibly some "Germans"...

Wolfgang, I am probably over-reacting. The differences we express here on this network are vibrant proof of our need for a "portal" that can accommodate these differences. At at purely human level, I tend to react with fury to the words you chose in that first sentence. I'll calm down -- I know you are a very good guy.

--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266349, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

... what do Christianity, 911 and Federal Reserve Bank have in common?

Those who do not know yet this ZEITGEIST movie might find new aspects about the world-political relations which we are facing and which we need to change if we want a CHANGE - this mind clearing movie connects in a surprising and enlightening way always relying on empathic mindfulness, humane strength and courage, essentially on LOVE.

find out here


Energetically :

december 27 carries code

kin 53: Red Magnetic Skywalker I Unify in order to Explore Attracting Wakefullness I seal the Output of Space With the Magnetic tone of Purpose I am guided by my own power doubled


in order / ur'dear to:

Rhythmic Moon day 16 Year of the Blue Electric Storm


kin 54: White Lunar Wizard I Polarize in order to Enchant Stabilizing Receptivity I seal the Output of Timelessness With the Lunar tone of Challenge I am guided by the power of Death

** (twinstar: ralaTion)

27 :: quetza L coat L code of 9th LLord(erner) of Time ... 2x27=54 (20) .. synchronized & committe:D

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