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From: Gary W.
Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 8:19 PM
Subject: Portal To Integration with One's Own Higher Self
Reply to: 266343
ID: 266375

---- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, Starr* Saffa wrote ---


Did anyone notice that it is primarily *men* that are calling for long spelled out vision statements, rules, guidelines, and technological machinations as fashioned under a patriarchal time warp....

Hello Starr,
I hadn't noticed that but don't be too hard on us ;-) Maybe it is genetic or something.

It reminds me of this bit from The Aquarian Conspiracy.

"In 1916 psychologist George Stratton of the University of Southern California was describing the inherent superiority of female brains in seeing the whole. Writing on "Feminism and Psychology" in Century Magazine he expressed the hope that women would dispel masculine illusions when they took their rightful place in society. Men, he said, tend to fix on cogs instead of flesh and blood. Beginning with a generous wonder at nature, they end up with fascination for the tool—the scientific instrument. They establish governments to give order to life, then end up coveting the functions of government more than life. 'The masculine genius for organization,' Stratton said, 'needs women's sense of the heart of things, not the trappings.'"

It is from the chapter Right Power - The Power of Women


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