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"True understanding of the wonders within nature is revealed by Elizabeth Browning through her words: 'Every common bush afire with God, but only he who sees takes off his shoes.'"
Rediscovering the Angels - Flower A. Newhouse

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 9:37 PM
Subject: One big soul in one big temple
Reply to: 266372
ID: 266383

"Behind the opposites and in the opposites is true reality, which sees and comprehends the whole."


beYond this TruE ReaLiTY is aNoThere CarrieR(e) ...

& i simply put it beHind a word ') ...

NaMasTé Thumbling D'roppeD ~ KiN054

a serVant & a drop of water in a VasT oceaN

') ... and there was N oo co*Vers aT ion at aLL

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