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"The world snake, 'ouroboros', swallowing its own tail, expresses the essence of Gnostic esotericism. It is a representation of the cosmos, the circle of eternal becoming, often seen with the words "One is the All.'"
Gnosticism: The Path of Inner Knowledge - Martin Seymour-Smith

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:22 AM
Subject: Portal To Integration with One's Own Higher Self
Reply to: 266345
ID: 266384

 Aloha dear Jane - 

Jane: Am I missing something here, or are we still trying for a new and better way than through Love and Vision? 

Starr*: I hope I am answering your question according to what I think you are asking. There sure were a lot of posts today and I'm just getting around to responding to most of please forgive my slowness.

My post was trying to remind us all to keep Vision and Love as center Points of what we are doing as there was tendency during the Patriarchal scheme to keep the Spirit out of the equation, thus everyone could only rehash and reshape the same old information without fresh Inspiration except through a few accepted Messengers. As a result most of humanity became cut off from their own God/ess Self at Source, which means blocking of the heart and mind. Thus the Energy of Love was unable to work in It’s grandest form.


Because we are only just coming out of this Patriarchal scheme of things I felt we were falling into the pattern of rehashing patterns without nurturing the new Visions and featuring the new opening to Love at Source.


Sure I may have it wrong, but it doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves and evaluate if we are “unfolding” the dream or just recreating the patterns of limitation. I appreciate your response.

With Living Love ----  Starr*


--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266345, Jane Apostolos wrote ---

 Greetings and Namaste ,

Hi Star*r! ...t's funny and perhaps it's because we are WOmen, but I noticed the patriarchal time warp. Or perhaps I picked up on your vibs.

Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha, which means 'the awakened one,' said, "My form appeared like a dream to sentient beings who are like a dream. I taught them dreamlike teachings to attain dreamlike enlightenment."  So, if life is but a dream and dreams do come true.. we must come to some sort of an agreement [as a group], in which we may all use the same tools to create our 'dream come true' reality. Am I missing something here, or are we still trying for a new and better way than through Love and Vision?

Injoy... Love,




--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266343, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

 Bright and loving greetings, one and all

I'm grateful for all the input to the Portal Project, even my own - but I'm feeling we have to let the Spirit lead the way at this juncture and get back to the agreement to keep it simple.

Did anyone notice that it is primarily *men* that are calling for long spelled out vision statements, rules, guidelines, and technological machinations as fashioned under a patriarchal time warp. I'm the type of person who sees the beginning and the end ...although I can write books that fill in the rest of the alphabet if needed, it isn't always needed to get the job done. No sooner do we release an idea than it comes into Being (almost immediately). Should we really sit around while the world is passing us by?

Everybody knows that we are expecting large societal transformations to be taking place in the next four years. Therefore, the Spirit is saying we need something that helps as many people as possible to merge and integrate with her/his OWN higher GodSelf as simply and soon as possible, as well with others on the same path.  

I think that Ram's 15 Points powered by love, and a little explanation (R15L&E*) and tweaking* can be the road map humanity needs.

This can be the center point of a Spiritual Google Software Program (SGSP) which acts as the Portal to Unity for those on the road. The more people that get There* the more helpful they can be for those struggling in the coming transformational years. I think Bruce's software ability and vision can do this.

*There: recognizing Self in Unity

Once linked with sites (which represent groups of spiritual wayfarers) their messages will flash automatically at the bottom of your screen. Naturally the messesages are filtered for wording of high frequency before they flash. 

In a short time those that are using the Portal to Unity will be the majority collective. Remember thought does create and we can start by plugging into Source Unity individually and together to create a reality that is driven by Balance, Unity, Love, Compassion and all the attributes of Heaven.

Living Love,  Starr*

--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266342, S´ace G root wrote ---

 hey eye ::*:: namasteY

on the fly & in the sky ~ dive as a dove

co*sider me & many of us in y'our 26 hour writing ...

T herefor i share a thought i just expressed with J A ...

777+1 / 7 = 3.14... the slogan of the three muscetears:

(i am a )Tree ~ Selfin ~ One ~ Four ~All ...

All ~ :: ~ | ~ 8 ~ T ~ ah AM i ')

:{ s'ace }:

--- On Fri, Dec 26, 2008, in msg266338, Eye ~ wrote ---

On the Fly

In response to Bruce's Earth Charter message i know i can write some next evoking from over here that can be massively excellent as at least one something to look at on top of all we've said recently.  It'll probably take 24 hours to begin and finish.
  Too enthused not to say so right away.

In Love All Ways



') AM = ZN = 1~13 (m oo n s/8) = 270 degrees change












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