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From: Eye ~.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 5:05 AM
Subject: To Save Humanity
Reply to: 266380
ID: 266386


In the matter of Right Dwelling, i argue that every knowable differentiation between man and woman is only rightly identified and celebrated.

Balance, in the current damaged, nearly devastated to technological destruction, and emotionally abused affairs of humanity, is unimportant at best and misdirected, foolish, and counterproductive at the least.

Men have dominated human affairs for too long. They have dominated, restrained, and abused the female too fully for any suggestion of Balance between the sexes now to be maturely taken seriously at all. It is reckless, even potentially irresponsible, even to suggest that in the real face of what we all are saddled with now men can be relied upon to collectively operate responsibly at all.

Those men who foment and support the ages long abuses of women to forward their own selfishness and greed are the most aggressively dominant among all men and their agenda will always dominate all collective male agendas until that is changed by nothing less than the collective force of will.

We don't need any perfected structure, that's the pitfall of Structuralism which is a guarantee of more of the same because the male will never allow the right structure to be derived. Your best example, the US Constitution, was admitted by its framers to be inadequate to the full measure of the real needs it was writ to serve.

The only potentially successful force of will reachable within human affairs today is the force that will put women nowhere other than on top. The only way that will be accomplished is when men at least individually begin to agree to put the woman in the place that is the right voiced expression of the genuineness of human nature~

First in all things countable, and on top of all heaps where height identifies dominance of authority.

And please don't think that is a female way. Rather it is the necessary imperative in the face of the irresponsibility of the overworked and wrong male dominant way. In the larger realms of existence largely beyond all human knowing, variant strengths of many different kinds collaborate for good health, not because they find it balanced, but because every recipe has many individually unique ingredients all of which are essential elements of the whole.

In a similar way, male and female are not the only uniquely distinct fibers of being in human affairs. But the males have long and historically abused nearly all supposedly 'civilized' human societies into their preferred male dominant model form. As a consequence all humanity is now facing potential self destruction because of male run agendas and lies that will not even allow the true challenges we face to be responsibly KNOWN.

In this i disagree with Ram completely. We cannot be served by dwelling on the unity of traits until we are responsible about admitting the reality of where human differences and human history have placed us. The emergencies we face today are too extreme to allow real Repair to be accomplished with even lip service given to any claim that males can be collectively relied upon to participate responsibly in any way whatsoever.

The dominant forms of all male energy are only rightly imprisoned now while the real nature of good health is restored by the great sacred sisterhood for the benefit of all humanity and all this world's other largely ignored conscious populations. The emergency is far too extreme. We can deal with matters of unity after the fire is put out.

In Love All Ways

---- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, Ram Varma wrote --- For a balanced creative process, an integration of both the female and male qualities is essential. Let's dwell more on the unity of these traits rather than on the separation of them.

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