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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 8:05 AM
Subject: To Save Humanity-Union of Male and Female Energies
Reply to: 266394
ID: 266396

Sorry. A small correction is in order. I just noticed that the image that I referred to in my last post was posted by dear Bruce. My acknowledgment and heart-felt thanks to Bruce for the same.


--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266394, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi All,

Thanks Wolfgang for posting an image of the union of Male and Female Energies. This image is really beautiful and worth the contemplation and meditation. Many beautiful aspects flow on their own; such as:

1.The presence of God is there for all of us; irrespective of the male and female identifications. Such artificial identifications are only on the surface as within us we are all the same (i.e the spiritual beings).

2. When we spontaneously/ freely (without any reservation or stigma in mind) add our own integral presence to the Divine Presence in any situation, we allow ourselves to sow the seeds of unity in whatever we do.

3. What we produce out of such a divine union (of the souls/spirits), it is a unified divine product of undfinable excellence and definitely transcendent to the human mind or intellect or any kind of smart model we producve. It's experiential grandeuer cannot be explained in words as it is beyond the literal ability to describe it. It can only be experienced in awe and admiration of what is available to all of us.

The essence of these three aspects represent the Unity essence of the experiencer,the experiencing and the experienced. They are one and the same. And when we allow ourselves to BE in that working mode in all our undertakings; we are experiencing the Unity all the time. I believe this is where our "Portal to Unity" initiative leading us to. And thereby practicing as such. Worth the deep silent contemplation/meditation and allowing ourselves the experience that cannot be explained. This is what connects us in one experience to another and so on.........till we feel-realize that we are all One. Self-realization leads to gradual steady Self-expansion. And it further leads to God/Source Realization. The central point being the Presence in the NOW.

Moving towards this three-way Presence and wishing you all the same.

With Love........Ram

--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266393, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Here's an image I like on the union of female and male energies...

--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266390, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---


entirely agreed

thousands of years of male predominance and respective damaging effects on integrity make it necessary for male energies to humbly just step back in full confidence of the subsequent healing of unity - the UNION, the COMMUNION finally




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