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"The soul is an emanation of the Divinity, a part of the soul of the world." Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American philosopher and essayist, Journals for 1830
Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery - Cranston/Head, editors

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 9:53 AM
Subject: One big soul in One big temple - WE HAVE THE CHOICE TO ALIGN
Reply to: 266389
ID: 266401

hallo Wolfgang :: danke sehr für die Wahl LLinK !

:{ LLink is a TV-sender at HoLLand trYing to Sur5 }:

i saw the movie on the sound of the TOP2000 in music ... Historic AvatarS breathing their Heart in a CryOuT Lyrick ...

What does Expression Invite :: Four?


As you might have discovered we have onOther way of being Free to Wahl ... it just needs some Harmonick or Composition or BodyResonant Architecture ThaT brings up the besT in the West?/Planet! :: Peoples DigesTive Talents ...

actually this is why i sort of mixed up the Manitou and a...New/nOther DispensaTion for Grouped People (by b'orders?) to Address the Learnable Principles/Lessons/Forces ...


DayTime Adventure ~ Walking the Talk


NightTime Adventure ~ Dreaming UrSelfin

well ... what to say T here ~ mercYbien for the OppoRs'TUnitY

;-) NamasteY S'ace t'humblinG G root s

') the upper matrix of 9 blocks tells the NaTional Refinement at WahlClasses; the bottom one shows the Local Refinement at Wahlclasses; Each block shows a Generation Awareness Class; AnyOne who wahls respects the Educational Law Beyond it All; Who decides to be free from that : behaves as a Votee / Candidate / Speaksman - that is s/he needs no budget at all to show off in public arenas (probably - as common gound - because of authentic strings at work)

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