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"It is not so much a question of finding in the partner's position analogous terms for one's own system. Rather, we try to clarify equivalent functions of our own practices, symbols and terms, in order to recognize, adapt, and fulfill the existential MEANING of religious reality which comes to light in the encounter."
The Unity of Reality - Michael vonBruck

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:05 PM
Subject: P O inT
ID: 266404

okaY ...

so our humble however &@%$#%& WebMaster ;-) does wanna make a POINT ...

& i can see/obseRVe/pictURe that ... & among me Quite some~bodies expressing their local & planetary minding vibration at top of that momenT ...

POINTing at a Crystal Clear Observation from a G'round being iTself ...

so God/es'S is a Verb all the time and pops up as an Objective already gone ... while explaining Him&Her

so from an intoxificated state of mind i'ld promote and advertice the idea:

P ~ People ~ Personatas ~ PurePoses ~ Plane(T)s

O ~ Omega ~ ObservanTS ~ OverTs ~ O'wing

inT ~ inTegral ~ inTeger ~ inTending ~ inTrusT & TrutH

Y'our H'umbLLe Thumbler S'@Tsarick Sphynx dyinG Ti'me

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