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The Walled Garden of Truth - Hakim Sanai

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:28 PM
Subject: Guidelines for Using iPeace
ID: 266409

Guidelines for using iPeace

iPeace is a community with a difference. Each of you here feel it. You are here because your choose to share in its message…

We share a single desire to spread peace, build bridges, reconcile enemies, respectfully discuss, engage and debate different points of view.

You have each joined iPeace to contribute to being the difference we all seek in today’s world.
We expect civil respect for one another’s individuality:

-    Engage without prejudice.
-    Encounter one another with respect
-    Engage in discourse not insults
-    Endeavour to celebrate diversity
-    Enter into different cultures and life perspectives with an open mind.
-    Entrust your mind and hearts to new friendships

I  -  international cyber community like no other
P – personalize your community
E – end conflict by sharing your vision
A - afford a stranger your time and attention
C -  compassion expresses your truest inner grace
E -  envelope your world and others  with magic

We are making a difference together. You are making a difference and iPeace is where you can talk, share, collaborate and engage.

Copyright : please cite sources of 3rd party material to avoid infringement lawsuits.
Healthwarning: NO! to spam, insults, inciteful and or  defamatory behaviour, ridicule threats,  any other kind of offensive content.

Make the most of your iPeace experience..
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