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"Whether he of whom I speak be called God, or Father, or Master of all, whatever be the name which we name him to convey our meaning in our talk with one another, it is for men to hallow the name with a higher sanctity by contemplation of his supreme divinity."
Hermetica - Walter Scott, translator

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 6:51 PM
Subject: Saying it all
Reply to: 266407
ID: 266412

Dear Gary, Ram, Bruce, Eye, Jane, Michael et Al…

Starr*: I started the following note last nite and by morning there was a swarm of posts from GR showing that folks are willing to move forward. This is wonderful. I just want to clarify and make necessary distinctions about descriptive words and what they mean….so I’ll leave the post as I began it just 14 hours ago and add the finishing remarks.

I want to thank Gary for sending in the quotes from The Aquarian Conspiracy – because it hit on the phenomena of which I was alluding regarding our shaping of the Portal to Unity project.

I think we all know that everything will remain out of balance if we don’t utilize the feminine qualities to balance out the over polarized masculine ones dominant in Western society.

Milissa Raphael in one of her spiritual feminist books explains that patriarchy has made women's sacred Being profane and it is necessary to resacralize what has been made profane.

Like Eye says, our civilization has been so far out of balance in favor of masculinity that it is essential that we keep vigilant about practicing full inclusiveness in achieving balance if we are serious about wholeness and unity.

I agree too with Ram when he writes: “In the arena of integral Spirituality, there is no differentiation between the genders of the human race.”

These are all good points, but what I want to address requires us to realize that our language and its application/definitions have caused great confusion in our minds and understanding and it is very important for us to change the misinformation and constructed misbeliefs so as to move forward competently. I am hoping that we can come out of this discussion clearly being able to make distinctions between the terms female and feminine and ‘Divine Feminine’ and ‘Divine Female’.

First of all let’s look at some of the terms and word ‘dictionary’ definitions along with my suggestion for current application and understanding that brings a more unified relationship.

*God/ess is a gender neutral term to refer to the Source.

1. Hermaphrodite: 1. a person or animal with the sexual organs of both the male and the female; 2. a plant having stamens and pistils in the same flower

Starr*: The word *Hermaphrodite* is very important to our spiritual understanding of gender/sex and gender discrimination in our current world situation. My research and knowing has shown me that when human’s were created in the image of God/ess they did not posses sex differentiation but later became hermaphroditic and self reproduced. The body resembled the FEMALE body (this is why we can find ancient Chinese statues of Zeus with busts).

*Thus the word FEMALE really means Wholeness – where both sexes are one.

When the Fall began so did separation. At this juncture the MALE component (fertilizing capability) separated from the FE-MALE body and he was called man, and what was left (reproductive mothering aspect) was called woman. There was also a separation of attributes (feminine and masculine), although the genes for the original ‘whole’ design as a potential was always carried over to every human born in the coding.

Feminine attributes usually refer to the gentle loving and compassionate virtues where Masculine attributes are described by words such as: STRONG, powerful, bold, brave, strapping, hardy, robust, vigorous, muscular, macho, butch. The mistake is assigning these attributes to any one gender.

Today humanity is moving past the Fall and there is a natural tendency for all people to become more equalized within themselves (mentally and physically) where the feminine and masculine attributes are becoming more balanced in the population. The Consciousness is returning to the parity concept of the Incas (where everything is born as one in pairs of interactive complimentary male and female).

*Thus the word FEMALE really means Wholeness (woman and man) as it was in an earlier stage, and it is inappropriate to assign FEMININE with only the woman and MASCULINE with only the man.

I would suggest here that none of us should be afraid to use the word ‘Female’ to refer to a whole balanced being as it was earlier in our collective history, just as we have used the word ‘Man’ to be inclusive of both sexes (although it was a misnomer in that ‘man’ never had the full monty developed (hermaphroditic ‘capabilities’). The way the interactive capabilities come into physical form in the new paradigm is yet not known – but I suggest is much like the Inca depictions.

When I wrote my book it was entitled: “Tahirih TheAlogy – FEMALE Cosmic Christ Spirit of the Age (where FEMALE implies Wholeness ready for a new Cycle of Balance)”

Therefore, it becomes necessary for us to make distinctions between the words ‘female’ and ‘feminine’, where one refers to the attributes and the other refers to a whole image of God/ess. Consequently, when we use the term ‘Divine Feminine’ coming into our world we are talking about Love, Spirit, and Compassion, etc.; and when we use the term Divine Female we are talking about Wholeness coming to balance-out the civilization with all the Power and Might and Majesty and Wisdom of God/ess.

“Divine Feminine” conjures up the ‘fluff’ in the mind and still leaves the Female Principle of Wholeness not understood. Yes! Patriarchy needs the Feminine attributes to balance it out and re-inject Spirit and Wisdom into the human Consciousness – but let us also see the Divine Female in the fullness of resplendent Wholeness and Perfection as the way forward where all people are loved and embraced.

The way the terms female, male, feminine, and masculine have been used in the English language does not fit with what has been and what is unfolding as humanity moves towards the Portal to Unity. We must make the distinctions now.

Offered with Living Love - Starr*

---- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

That's really beautiful, dear Bruce, although it's poor when compared to the reality which resides within of each of us and which hardly can be expressed by words or pictures - "do not make a picture of myself" -, it just can be experienced and wonderful as well as divine as it is - we all share this identical experience if we just try ... .... by breathing deeply, in and out, in and out, in ... and .. out, taking the breath into all the fear you might sense and dissolve it just like nothing - that depressing ghost of fear which is trying to rule the world - to gain mental as well as physical health, independence from outer appearances - just being anchored in the inner wealth of the realm of Life.

OM shanti, amen and shalom, salaam aleikum - peace and happiness for all of us, in this very moment of global distress wherever we focus


---- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Hey Wolfgang.  Maybe THIS is what we were trying to say..




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