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The Healing Gifts of the Spirit - Agnes Sanford

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 7:19 PM
Subject: One big soul in one big temple
Reply to: 266410
ID: 266413

Dear S'ace

That is amazing that you can see 3rd dimension flipping towards 5th dimension in the Paradigm Shift for humankind in the vibrations you arrived at via the ibividal~decodexed to 7 1 8 9 9 9 8 ~ 9 8 9 8

S'ace: well 17 = 8 ~ infinity addressed by oneness & human-chakralls as universes self-generative at charge

This interpretation is really exciting for me. I relate to the term 'self-generative at charge' as being integral understanding to the way forward.

Heaps Big L L L - Starr* looking at starr looking at Starr* and then becoming One through the Portal to Unity and Beyond.

--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266410, SĀ“ace G root wrote ---

~ aloha ... for those interested in vibrations ~

starr* menTioned tahirih & isis is a relationship of any vibration (which?)

closing D'own some Cycle ... i'ld promote this idea (in a crypt of LLove):

T a h i r i h ~ i s i S

is bividal~decodexed to 7 1 8 9 9 9 8 ~ 9 8 9 8

and that is very funnY (to me & my alliances) ..

51 ~ 34 # 85 = 5 x 17

so ~ from my lucid categorized state of mind it just means 3th dimension flips toward 5th ...


well 17 = 8 ~ infinity addressed by oneness & human-chakralls as universes self-generative at charge

5 (well what to say)

aether earth air water fire ~ as elementals digesting bodily adventures

3x17 + 2x17 = 5x17

why did we skip 4x17?

58 (13) is actually the RATIO(n) at work in LearninG MooD ...

co*template that ~ more follows when it is ripened wholehearthed as a breathingcell

Y our Fellower of a Rin'G (alactick stre'AM) ~ S'ace


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