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"The possibilities of human nature have customarily been sold short. Since this inner nature is good or neutral rather than bad, it is best to bring it out and to encourage it rather than to supress it. If it is permitted to guide our life, we grow healthy, fruitful and happy……even though denied, it persists underground forever pressing for actualization."
Toward A Psychology of Being - Abraham Maslow

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 8:08 PM
Subject: Front page of
Reply to: 266414
ID: 266415

 keep the momentum

& impuls

LLLL arises a DeepSpinalCode "we" all were LooKing for ...

you will see 3 "L" characters however the fourTH on is right there in the 2nd position ...

that is about the 4th & openminded FourTH musceteer that does the BraveHearthedAct ... all the time ...

Where a meaning beyond impulses the memoric staff at bodily disposal helps, i could address 3 + 1 systemicks as vibrational classes aligned:

L :: input ~ information ~ initiate :: openup ~ knowledge

L :: store ~ remember ~ refine :: face ~ patience

L :: process ~ formulate ~ transform (L) :: change ~ power

L :: output ~ express ~ ripen :: be (fruitful) ~ humility

T :: m'aTriX ~ digest ~ nurture :: mind ~ spirals

this as a channeling guided by kin055 ~ electric eagle

kin 55: Blue Electric Eagle
I Activate in order to Create
Bonding Mind
I seal the Output of Vision
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Self-generation
I am a polar kin

I establish the Blue galactic spectrum.


under the bottom of the ocean breeds a thing


namaste(r)Y ;-)>~~~ s'ace :: ix ik spiced


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