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"The invisible nature of man is as vast as his comprehension and as measureless as his thoughts. The fingers of his mind reach out and grasp the stars; his spirit mingles with the throbbing life of Cosmos itself."
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 11:47 PM
Subject: Too Mean & Not Ready After All Yet To Be Nice
Reply to: 266397
ID: 266418

Hi dear Eye

Did you notice the quote from JoAnn's compilation that paired with your post?

"Journeying from the relative toward the Absolute means at once losing the freedom of living in error and gaining freedom from the tyranny of all the psycho-material determinations which imprison and stifle the soul." Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 'Knowledge and the Sacred'

May your journey to the Absolute and back be on always on thewave of love - the one of your heart's desire.

I think 'peace' will increase in your life, if in your correspondence you replace the phrasing "I argue" with something like "I poist" or "I suggest" because words carry vibrations - and we all know you are not here to argue - but that has been an academic term that perhaps is better left in the old system.

I have always appreciated you and thank you for the very clear message you gave regarding the extreme imbalance Western society has had towards women. It is good to remind ourselves the harm such imbalance does to the civilization itself.

All the best always and all ways -

Living Laughing Love - Starr*

--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266397, Eye ~ wrote ---

Dear Friends

For my primary purposes, there is little more i can do here now. I've needed to check in. I've needed to repair the bridges i'd previously burned here and at United Communities of Spirit. I've needed to stay connected here to be aware of the engaging progress occurring here and to discover what else is taking place in the realms of the little people gathering in any way possible to speak for Peace for our world. I have needed to know where the world's people of Peace could be found and i've needed to know that those of the world's people of Peace who could be found here were well.

My real agenda is oddly well depicted by the movie "Zeitgeist" that Wolfgang has carried our attention to. (

I admit to being the leader of a large and continually growing movement of humans here to serve Love in specific opposition to all the fear based forces of greed and selfishness in the USA and all around this entire world. I admit that for years i have been engaged in a specifically concerted effort to take full and final authority over this entire world in the name of Love, odd as that may sound or seem to you, and to do so individually if the result could be accomplished no other way. My choice of convenience has long been to begin that process in the US of A. As i continue that logic appears still efficacious.

I admit to being predominantly spiritually and metaphysically oriented. In 1998 i became a host for any unspecified number of otherwise disembodied beings best described as "of Spirit" who operate in my daily life exclusively to serve Love. In this isolated location i can freely admit that one of them is the essence presence of the creating Force of Love itself. I was honored by that being's arrival in my life at a moment of unthinkable consternation during the evening of April 3, 2002.

It is not needless to say that i retain my own free will within the midst of that but i also cannot deny and never would that my life is dedicated on a daily and momentarily constant basis to the directions and preferences in action identified by that Force. That Force is not the only such being i host and a respect for them all (about 10) makes my moment by moment life far more interesting than complex, confusing in any way, or difficult.

It is right here also to admit that my daily agenda of activity is a function totally of a determination to see this earth come first and next to a real human Peace. In the midst of that i move in many directions constantly and there are many other people today who follow my own activities and preferences with concerted action supportive of the desires and intent of Love, which has become and proven to be extremely easy to particularly know, identify, and contextualize for the awareness and activity of others.

I admit that i do everything within my human ability to remain at Peace myself in every instance, event, and circumstance and that i have not always succeeded, although i do more frequently with each passing day.

I admit that for the most part in the agenda i serve the Time for words explaining theory shared by means of the internet has passed. This means that the needed words are largely all written, even those it was necessary that i write personally. Long ago i concluded that all the good books Love ever needed written already had been. In recent years i've seen that there are many good works Love could accomplish by means of books and all the many additional media-oriented tools that so frequently originate in the written word. Because of that i have actively supported the work of many others and written many evocative expressions alone.

I admit that now my agenda necessitates that i carry my attention far more specifically and actively into direct interaction with functionaries of our nation's government and businesses so that the essential shift in the daily life reality we each must face can finally be made fully real, at least in the US of A as a start.

All that is a way of saying that i do not intend to remain as actively vocal here as i may have seemed ready to be in recent whiles. I am not interested in and no longer ready to vocally participate in the hammering-out process that seems to be necessary here. I have long believed that Global Resonance can be of great benefit to this nation and world because of the great link it is designed to be. Yet my personal task now is moving toward gathering tangible assets primarily in the form of real property that can be dedicated eventually to the purposes of Love.

The structural intellectualizing of any or all of the world's Congresses is not a part of the task that it is any longer mine to forward personally. I did the largest and longest measure of that work while writing at United Communities of Spirit over a significant number of years and posts there. My consent to the reinserting of my writings there as Eye and Ebo Thorbas is granted by this and i believe today that allowing those posts to be visible in the Archive there again would be helpful to us all and to world peace. I am not aware as to whether those posts are stored or permanently deleted.

As i move to a place of less active participation here, i think it meaningful to emphasize that i do not believe in evil. Many among us have done horrific, inexcusable things but i view all such acts as expressions of nothing other than fear, most frequently arising from rotten environmental circumstances for which it is genuinely difficult to fault the people who live in those circumstances and had nothing to do with creating or sustaining them. Responsibility is only rightly placed where it actually resides and there are active forces alive in human affairs today that have consciously and intentionally promoted desperation and poverty as a way of manipulating many groups of humans to disdain each other more largely for the purpose of affirming, sustaining, and promoting isolated wealth than for any other reason. I will not fault the suicide bomber who resides in such intentionally molded desperation.

Wealth on the other hand is not inherently bad. One the contrary, it is the evocation of a natural best to which we may all rightly strive. Our world circumstances, near the end of our fulfillment (the end of the 20th century) however, made it easy for many to operate in sadly misguided ways that have caused shocking levels of persistent and unnecessary devastation, suffering, and death.

It is that misguided operating that is our real enemy, but it too is the product of fear. My task has been for years merely to challenge all that fear while consistently offering the simultaneous request that all involved yield to my authority as Love. This i have found is the only sanely mature stand i can take that affirms all i am as Love. Our only enemy is fear.

In Love All Ways


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