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From: Bruce S.
Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 10:14 AM
Subject: Letter from Sabine Theresia
ID: 266446


At 12:43am on December 30, 2008, Sabine Theresia said…



 Dear Bruce,

When I finished sending some iPeace stuff to the parents of my daughters best friend (they are both involved in 'Shambala', Chris - having a Persian father and a mother from Austria is director of Shambala Europe) I wanted to switch off the computer, when the voice said: You have a new email. That was yours. It feels so good to get your personal resonance. Thinking and feeling in these infinite dimensions and writing this down sitting alone in front of the computer sometimes is like flying alone in the endless universe. For me, it really takes some time to express that what I mean and feel with the right words. In my daily life I only use email when its the better or quicker or cheaper way to transport words or pictures. Whenever possible, I prefer talking directly to others, face to face or via telephone. I prefer feeling the resonance immediately, this synchronity. Here, it's good that everything is written and documented and readable for everybody. An open book of life and sharing. I really enjoy reading and writing in English, but naturally, for me, it takes more time and some more brain work to do that, than native writers need. Getting resonance is not the goal of writing comments here. But it really feels better, when sometimes there is a reaction shown, indepentend if somebody agrees or disagrees totally. I always try to feel the truth and to live with the truth, however this truth feels. Without getting reactions, I sometimes do not know, if at all somebody really read what I wrote, even when it was written as a personal comment on a personal page.

 What do you think about the idea that Andy put in? I think for urgent actions and the change of structures, that sometimes grew within centuries or thousands of years (like the conflict between Israel and Palestine), or in global education we need the united action of all those different ngos and social networks that already exist. We can do a lot within iPeace, but we can give more power to our special ideas and events here, when we can give the essence of our work as information and invitations to millions of other people who are engaged in other groups. For example: Yesterday, I was very happy about that big information on our front page about the worldwide peace march in the end of next year. I went to their page and found the name of Marita Simon, who coordinates the activities in Germany. She answered immediately to my email and my question, if they will walk through Cologne, and she already had a view into iPeace, that she never had heard before I mentioned it as very worthy experiencing it. She said: super thing and asked me, if I'ld like to get into contact with those people organizing the march through Cologne. They are activists for peace in my town! Surely I want to get in contact with them! And surely, I will invite them to iPeace!

 The other thing that I learnt by looking into this other particle of the already existing unity was, that it might be very valuable, to get some wellknown people to support iPeace. They don't need to become a member, but there can be something like a VIP's galery, showing all those pictures we and millions of other people know from television or newspapers and journals, and everybody of these people adds some or a lot of words about this wonderful space here and how valuable it is to be supported.

 Well, I just wanted to tell you, how good it felt reading your comment before going to bed. It seems, as if your resonance has invited me, to write some more, although I really wanted to go to bed very early tonight, because this high level of energy that's in the air, doesn't let me sleep after 4 o'clock in the morning. That mostly was the case during the last week.

 Lightful greetings from NIGHT in Cologne to DAY in Santa Barbara! Sabine


Hello again, 4.00 a.m (sounds like For I AM : ) I woke up at 3.00. But it felt like the energy is not in the air around me, but within me and it wants to flow out of my brain and out of my heart. It's wonderful to go into this all day open iPeace-Café (I liked your description in one of your blogs), this meeting and melting point. At no time of the day or night, nobody was in HERE, the lowest number I saw was something like 19... Before I'm going to put in an idea for the second time to the administration concerning the point 'get kids involved', I want to send you a picture that I forgot yesterday evening while I was writing more and more.. For me, it's like a symbol for resonance. Kara (aged 6, the angel living around me) painted it spontaneously as one of three early birthday presents, after on October, 1st this year I had said: 'Oh, today is the 1st of October, my birthday-month!'
Sharon's reaction to another childrens-painting added to a comment on his page (Sharon is the one in the center of the cyclon between Gaza and Israel, that one, that I met, because he was inspired by your UNITY blog) lets me feel stronger my wish: To let us grown-ups be inspired and to let the children be encouraged to trust in their deepest self, that is expressed in their PEACE-PICTURES, we should offer HERE within iPeace a SPACE, a gallery, very clear organized, only for these pure pictures painted by children. Maybe it could be possible, to show the pictures (all in the same size), below the name and age of the child (if the child likes that), some words to the background / situation of the creation of the picture (maybe by grown ups) or personal comments and explanations by the child).
Bruce, it is sooo good, that you have come into this very special Café, that you mix US up and energetize US in your special way with your special ideas. I'm sooo glad that you are here, also now, when you are anywhere around the cafè. I can feel your presence NOW. Sabine

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