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"As we trust the divine plan at work in our life, we move into harmony with the spirit of evolution that inexorably carries us – collectively and individually – forward into the next stage of the process leading to Omega: conscious oneness with God." Robert Brumet, 'Power Shift: A New Paradigm for the New Millennium'
New Thoughts for a New Millennium - Michael A. Maday, editor

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From: Michael E.
Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 8:38 PM
Subject: Magna Carta of Harmony
Reply to: 266478
ID: 266505


A few points
QUOTE--the source of harmony comes from a standard measure of balance that limits human aspirations for wealth, power, and other resources
COMMENT---I would think that basing harmony on material modes of production is dealing with the cart before the horse
If the horse ie the Human subconscious changes then we have the possibility of change
These  principles are a bit like the ten commandments
We require cultural chamge from the heart and  not prescribed in complex symantic structures of linear thinking
QUOTE--the value of harmony as a way of life, thought, feelings, conversations, and all social behavior o­n the basis of the Golden Rule
COMMENT---Indeed thje golden rule is embodied in all Organised religious dogma but most people are not conscious enough to even realise when they are not fulfilling this rule as they tend to sabotage even themselves!
QUOTE---a harmonious peace culture, brotherly love, solidarity, cooperation, freedom, recognition of the equal dignity of all people, human rights, shared responsibility for the protection of nature, and mutual care for people and the common good--
COMMENT--This is believed by many many peoiple but who actually takes action and creates the reality??

A new way requires a massive change in consciousness


Kind Regards






--- On Fri, Jan 2, 2009, in msg266478, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

 Thanks for this Wolfgang.

This "peace from Harmony" project seems to be a huge undertaking.  I see a lot of Russian names -- it would take some real study to fully understand what they are doing -- but on this page you suggested, on the Magna Carta of Harmony -- they do suggest 8 principles -- from which, it seems, the remainder of the project unfolds.

It seems to me -- that if these are founding and essential ideas, from which all the rest unfolds -- these ideas would have to be looked at very carefully.  As they are stated here-- they are very succinct -- and require some study.  The general thesis, of course, we fully support.  We are about "resonance" -- resonance is harmony.  So -- how do we get to harmony and resonance? 

I think the approach we have been talking about here -- emerges from the spiritual culture we have been unfolding.  This Magna Carta of Harmony is more tuned to a traditional culture, I think -- but there are many similarities.

A few quick responses --

" The transition from tolerance to consensus requires respect, understanding, dialogue, and compromise."  Interesting point, including most of the ideas we have bee presenting here in GRN

A primary idea of this statement includes "consent".   For us in the west, this seems obvious -- maybe in some other cultures, it's less obvious

A phrase like this --  "the source of harmony comes from a standard measure of balance that limits human aspirations for wealth, power, and other resources." -- implies a tremendous conflict.  Where does this "standard measure" come from? 

That question is addressed in the next principle:  "standard measures are established by specific communities in specific times and places in a democratic way. Redefining and reestablishing this standard measure is a constant task in a harmonious society."

"consent is the conscious and mutual acknowledgment of a standard measure for harmony. The measure requires a self-restriction of aspirations to wealth, power, and other resources."

"Consent between opposites transforms their struggle into harmony"  -- this sounds like our phrase, "Diversity becomes harmony through resonance."

These ideas do take a little time to assimilate.  I will put these basic ideas into our portal, under the "principles" section -- where anyone who is interested in this way of framing our collective future -- can consider how they feel about these principles....


Principles of Individual and Social Harmony

The crisis of modern humankind is the threat of self-destruction as a result of increasing conflict and the production of weapons of mass destruction, which lead to nuclear war, planetary winter, or global warming. This threat can be removed o­nly by our conscious efforts to harmonize the united human family through overcoming of its social traumas, pathologies or extremes o­n a base of the following eight principles of harmony. These principles are suggested as steps to individual harmony for persons and as strategies to social harmony among societies:

 1. Know the four basic conditions for harmony: people, their diversity (individual and social), unity, and consent. Consent must always be mutual. Consent can range from cultural and ideational tolerance, as a minimum, to consensus, which is the ideal maximum. The transition from tolerance to consensus requires respect, understanding, dialogue, and compromise.

 2. Understand that the absence of tolerance leads to conflict and enmity, and prevents opportunities for harmony. Without common consent, diverse people polarize and create antagonism, chaos and disharmony.

 3. Comprehend that the source of harmony comes from a standard measure of balance that limits human aspirations for wealth, power, and other resources. Harmony is incompatible with extreme desires, though it does not exclude opposites. Consent between opposites transforms their struggle into harmony.

 4. Realize that standard measures are established by specific communities in specific times and places in a democratic way. Redefining and reestablishing this standard measure is a constant task in a harmonious society.

 5. Recognize that consent is the conscious and mutual acknowledgement of a standard measure for harmony. The measure requires a self-restriction of aspirations to wealth, power, and other resources.

 6. Appreciate consent as the key attribute of social harmony that can eliminate conflict and the rationale for war. In order to ensure indestructible peace, a culture of consent must be formed during childhood by means of an education and upbringing based o­n the values of love, peace, and harmony.

7. Believe that consent requires a harmonious peace culture, brotherly love, solidarity, cooperation, freedom, recognition of the equal dignity of all people, human rights, shared responsibility for the protection of nature, and mutual care for people and the common good. Consent requires to forget the old enmity and to forgive the past insults.

8. Achieve conscious consent and be committed to the value of harmony as a way of life, thought, feelings, conversations, and all social behavior o­n the basis of the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Conversely: “Do not do unto others what you do not want them to do unto you.”

These Principles underlie the Magna Carta of Harmony. They represent a “Noble Eightfold Way to Harmony.” This imitates, but does not copy, the “Noble Eightfold Path” of Buddhist philosophy.


--- On Fri, Jan 2, 2009, in msg266476, Wolfgang Fischer wrote --- Dear friends HAPPY NEW YEAR to those who switched to 2009 and HAPPY DAYS to all who live in different time-frames....

Magna Carta of Harmony for an Information Civilization, Toward Social Justice and Global Peace from the multilingual website Peace from Harmony is another recommendation to be linked to The Portal of Unity








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