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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 9:32 PM
Subject: Network Meditation and its Step by Step Technique
Reply to: 266704
ID: 266705

 Dear Starr*, et all,

I am truly glad to see your authentic interest in the unity-consciousness meditation. Its step by step technique is as follows:

Unity Meditation (By Rita Khanna)

1. Find a quiet place; sit comfortably with your straight back and eyes closed.

2. Draw your attention within your breath, at the back of your nostrils where the breath is entering and exiting. Be there for few minutes until you start to feel calm and peaceful.

3. Let your breath move freely from nostrils to navel and navel back to nostrils. Be there for another few minutes.

4. Breathe into the base of your spine. Stay there for few seconds. On exhalation, visualize your divine energy rising above towards the center of your eyebrows. Do this for few more minutes.

5. Be at the center of your eyebrows. Simply be and observe your inner peace and connection with the Self. Inhale and on exhalation, say seven times, Om.

6. Affirm, I am Sat-Chit-Anand (i.e. My intrinsic nature is Truthful, Awareness and Blissful). Feel and know the true essence of these affirmations that I am part and parcel of God and He resides in me. Feel the freedom from fear, anger, attachments, etc. Feel One with the Self, Universe and the Source. In silence experience this communion. Listen to the voice, which guides and directs in this silence. Stay there for few minutes.

7. After connecting with the Real-Self, go beyond to connect with the Omni-present Universal Consciousness. And thereafter with the Source from where infinite sustaining Light is radiating in all the three worlds (i.e existence, consciousness and Totality) inclding the the earth, below the earth and above the earth.

8. When you are ready to come out of the meditation, bring your attention towards your breath into the nostrils and observe. Gently open your eyes. Feeling that in my day-to-day life and interactions, I am a spiritual being and God's energy is flowing through me.



In your own silence, see how you are doing in the above-mentioned theme and or similar aspects of living your lives. And if you feel like sharing with  your experiences, we simply welcome and look forward to it.

With lots of love and Best Wishes … Ram


--- On Sun, Jan 11, 2009, in msg266704, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

 Ram, Bruce, S*Ace, et Al

I am really excited about bringing these images together - and I'm envisioning a more integral way since the Central Sun is a very important dimensional level necessary for earthly activity (we can see light energy becoming the first phases of materiality).  I'm looking forward to trying to show what I am envisioning pictorally --- eventually.

Thanx Bruce for nuturing this aspect of our envisioning, creativity and expression.

Ram - can you direct me to the how to meditation you mean/or post it to me?

LLLL - Starr*


--- On Sun, Jan 11, 2009, in msg266703, Ram Varma wrote ---

 Hi Bruce, et all,

Thanks once again for sharing these two unity-consciousness images. Ther are complimentary to each other. Looking at them initially and then absorbing the inter-connection essence in the inner silence leads to feeling-knowing of the brilliant radiance/ resonanace within the existence, the consciousness and the totality as is.

 In self-observation and experiential awareness as such one can realize that one was, one is and one will be. And this can be all realized through ongoing attunement with the Self, with the Universe and with the Source. Thus, leading to Oneness Awareness where the creator (i.e. Source), creating (the process of creating) and the creation (i.e. the universe) is all One. Duality is apparant but not real. And the Source undergoes no change to become the world as It is both the material and efficient cause. 

Through unity-consciousness meditation when we return our attention to the very centre/core of ourselves we find our inherent inner peace and the universally-connecting power.  This is the purpose of the meditation. And how to meditate: it has been recently shared at Love Radiance Intention part of GR lightpages. Please visit this site and discover of Being that you are, me and everyone else is.

Feeling and Knowing this inter-connection through the fine thread (of the inner-spirit), love you all.............Ram





--- On Sun, Jan 11, 2009, in msg266701, S´ace G root wrote ---

Dear Bruce ~ i see your 2 pictures and see the meditation/radiant aspect of the first one and the appointing/referential lines in the second one ...;

to put it in another "fra-me": we sit at an oval table and we are 2 and between us are 2x13 other persons ...

figure 2 different situations where we are both at opposite sides ...

A - we are close at the narrow inter-table-space ...

B - we are wide at the widest inter-table-space ...

in both cases it might be true we are opposites and complementary ... at sight for the 26 others ... and the observers from the outside and at tv-sets/tubes and so on ...

then the other view-idea might suggest and affirm the idea we are still at ones side ... because an oval is a circle (from a certain perspective) ...

simply because we get parallel we get in a synchrone move and motion ... :{?}:

(post-mailing message here)

so when you are one (suppose the single dot)

and i am at your table however in your mind i am your opponent (complementary address)

then i cannot be at your table ~

however i might be a part of the solution we all achieve in figure 28

- which is about the same figure (here worldbridger)

however in another phase :

here the magnetic - single dot marked glyph - worldbridger

shifts into the galactic worldbridger

which is at the top right as a negotiated/attuned result of the Leistung/Effort/LetGo...Option as Navigation

so here i give - beispielsweise - the 3 keywords to the galactic Tone:

Harmonize ~ Modeling ~ Integrity

resp. Power - Action - Essence

nr. 4 might be here the Complementary (mirrored) Function : Equality

which is linked to Tone 6 - Rhythm


Then such a Model can also be Drafted for any other Seal/Tone combination ...

So chooze your Seal/Tone or Take the one of the Day-Spelled(?)

as a serendipiticall option given by cosmos itself

:{ forget about an origin or a patent modeler : just accept a given common rhyme(?) }:









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