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Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self - Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, January 12, 2009, 8:04 PM
Subject: Network Meditation
Reply to: 266700
ID: 266717

yesterday , i linked a profound quote to this Quest; i put it below ...

and it addresses the conceptual and non-conceptual methods for reasonating meanings' ...

--- On Sun, Jan 11, 2009, in msg266700, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

I have the intuition that these two symbols are strongly complementary.  I think they point the way towards a transfiguring network process.

How do they come together?  I invite you to meditate on that question....





Cosmic History Chronicle IV - the catalytic agent - Book of the Initiation p.145

Gate8 ~ Symbolic Systems : Traditions Beyond Words

 "... the Deeper stratums of reality render all phenomena as symbols passing through this iniatic gate called "life".

A symbol is a sign which opens up or makes transparent insights and truths that were previously hidden. The human body is merely a symbol, and though its senses are constructed ideas and perceptions about reality. Just as the body is a symbol, so are all of our experiences symbolic."

Conceptual Constructs:

"As we proceed into the labyrinth of wholeness, we begin to view these conceptual disciplines in the context of the larger reality. At our foundation, we understand that the whole of what we call reality is a great symbol or projection of a higher order of mind. We have to see through the cos,ic lens to determine what is the surface and what is the symbol - te see what refers to the conceptualizing side of the brain and to the non-conceptualizing side - these are complementary and work together."


"The point is to learn to use the conceptual constructs for a higher purpose, to see them as higher symbolforming orders of reality."


The book further describes the 2 sides in terms of each having 5 doors / portaltypes in terms of Mysteries of Nature, resp:

leftbrain/hard & logical chestside: Psychological, Astronomical, Physical & Physiological, Metaphysical, Anthropological

rightbrain/heart & magical chestside: Astrological, Geometrical, Mystical, Symbolic, "Number"

it also provides the 11th Doorway - cosmic history revelation itself


this is what i wanted to exchange here in the sphere of our Quest - put forward by Bruce

NamasteY S'@ace


As a practical point i experienced saturday at a new political party gathering someone who claimed to have all rightbrain mysteries out of the formal textures ... hmmm?

The board agreed quickly and put those textures into the "Articles Section" ...

I tend to navigate to the idea that this is exactly the systemic to overcome and put the R/L brain mysteries as a whole into the formal sphere(s) that rule the unification at large.


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