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From: Harry W.
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 12:34 AM
Subject: Images and Realities
Reply to: 266766
ID: 266767

Thank you for your responses. Heaven on earth is my mission to achieve in the next 3 years. I have been waiting and watching the affairs of the world and trying not to jump in to early. But I have great news to share with everyone. Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall over the epochs. We have those peoples who we know so little about who left the monumental exquisitely designed temples and signs encrypted in stone for such a season as now. This is now the apocalypse or the time of revelation. We or rather our perfected ancestors built these stone based capacitors to heal the earth last time around. We will do the same very soon. How? Nano Framed Piping (or Flutes). Yep this is the Pipe dream for real! Mega sized Sacred geometrical structure built with nanoscopic framework. in order to macro we first have to go micro (well nano really). We will harness the wind of the earth or the breath of earth to sing these structures into being. They form miraculous places of healing for every living entity on earth. The have the power to restore the body to ones who wait in the spirit realm. We will have bodies that have youthfulness for 1000 years. These earth rejuvenation centres (temples) in the specific chambers within the structure also sound out atomic matter to produce the spiral of light that we travel on to other perfected worlds. This is where the majority of our ancestors went to and possibly now live (some may have moved on to other adventures across the cosmos). We will travel in bodily form in craft or in suit. There are those who will choose to stay here but be warned this planet, as all are, cyclic. The shield or womb of water that we push back up into our outer atmosphere will fall again as another meteor seeds the cycle of life and death again. But we will have a time of infinite possibilities on our planet... the eternity factor. Hydrogen Energy produces water as an emission. Just think about any universal truth of understanding or any legend or story of any ancient culture and apply it to this revelation. Any scientific analysis of earth it fits! We recreated everything. Or rather re reshape matter back to where it provides harmonic balance. Any questions from anyone? Any one doubting what I am sharing? Every truth that pertains to our bodily temple can be applied scientifically to the real temples.There are 144 Major temple sites around earth. Rejoice and be glad as this is the most amazing time to be alive!

--- On Thu, Jan 15, 2009, in msg266766, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Ram, et All -

Symbols/Paintings/Illustrations may not replace personal experience with the Divine, but they do exercise an important Spiritual knowing on the idividual which assist it on its journey. It is like spiritual geometry and resonant thoughts and music, it is far more than just an intellectual exercise. This is why it is important to create new symbology for the Day in which we are living. *Creation is like Revelation from the Divine Knowledge.

The next picture is Spiritual because it tells humanity that they should not support the old world systems because it is time to devise a paradigm where Peace can prevail.

David Icke's icon for world peace --- if people don't support the Elite's agenda's like having the Leaders declare war - then there won't be anyone to fight it, and the Leaders and Oligarchy will lose the power to enslave humankind.

It is unfortunate that all Leaders are subject to obey the next guy up the ladder or find personal problems ensuing.

So I agree with the idea of the people getting their eyes opened and therefore becoming a mass collective movement in not supporting corrupted institutions on any level.

Ram's ideas of sowing Peace within the idividuals lives are also part of bringing about a harmonious and balanced civilization imo.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Thu, Jan 15, 2009, in msg266765, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi All,

My take on this one is that the experience of the Reality or the Truth is beyond the images and the concepts. However, the images/models/concepts etc. do provide an important role at the level of intellectual comprehension. So all that could practically be useful to all of us including our leaders is:

1. Be peace and radiate peace.

2. Be Love/compassion and radiate as such.

3. Be Awareness and radiate as such.

4. Be free (inner) and radiate as such

5. Be joy and radiate as such.

All seem to revolve around Love (unconditional) and Awareness.

With Love and Best Wishes......Ram

--- On Thu, Jan 15, 2009, in msg266764, Jane Apostolos wrote ---

Greetings and Namasta everyOne!

Hi Harry... I wish there was just one word or phrase (and maybe there is) that we could bring to the leaders of this world? But for some reason we/they haven't learned that all the killings of all times has brought us no peace. Why? Why can't we make them feel our Love?

The only way to bring this misery to an end is through the frequency of that which does not fail... LOVE. That's the only force that I can think of.

Peace and Love to you all!

--- On Thu, Jan 15, 2009, in msg266762, Harry Williams wrote ---

Hello Everyone, Peace, Love, Harmony and Greater Consciousness to all. i am a little bemused by all this concentrated energy on images from someone else imagination. They are good and give inspiration i am sure. but let us of who may be actually serious in a militant passively active sort of way ( ha ha) discuss the real awakening of what we are facing here... The Earths own consciousness for survival as it starts to get irritated by the parasites (us humans) and the sunburn of the Cosmos. It seems to be steeping into its memory banks to remind itself and of course us that we are creators of our own existence. And although we, in the physical span of existence on this planet, have only a limited time to discover this the intensity of the realization is now much greater. Does anyone have any radical global earth saving ideas that can be acknowledged as true revelation by all of us? Thereby giving this group a voice of positivity and unity to approach the current world leaders?





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